r28411 - What's Changed Leprecondo Support by @gausie in #2792 Full Changelog: r28410...r28411

This seems to stop the furniture discovery message being shown in the log.

Round 2: Buttes snatches you up in his jaws, tosses you onto his back, and flooms away, weaving slightly and hiccelping fire. You shout "Yeeeeeah!" as the combat becomes a small dot, far below you.
Round 2: Condochaun vacuums the floors of his condo.
Preference leprecondoDiscovered changed from  to 18
Round 2: You gain 1 Wizardliness
Preference _banderRunaways changed from 5 to 6
Preference lastCopyableMonster changed from Orcish Frat Boy (Music Lover) to Orcish Frat Boy (Pledge)
This combat did not cost a turn

Round 2: Buttes snatches you up in his jaws, tosses you onto his back, and flooms away, weaving slightly and hiccelping fire. You shout "Yeeeeeah!" as the combat becomes a small dot, far below you.
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf
Round 2: Condochaun wanders out onto his balcony and watches the world go by for a while.
Round 2: Condochaun spots a four-poster bed under a vampire's discarded cape and runs out of his condo. He drags it back to the condo and stores it in the attic.
Round 2: You gain 1 Magicalness
Preference _banderRunaways changed from 5 to 6
This combat did not cost a turn
I was wondering about this myself. I found several pieces of furniture today, and nothing was logged.

Here are all the messages that logged for me today:

After Battle: Lucky Grrl does some chores around the house.
After Battle: Lucky Grrl gains an experience point after having his need met.
After Battle: Lucky Grrl gazes out the window of his condo, daydreaming.
After Battle: Lucky Grrl grabs a bottle of cleaning spray and wipes down the windows of his condo.
After Battle: Lucky Grrl grabs a mop and cleans the floors of his condo.
After Battle: Lucky Grrl putters around the condo aimlessly for a while.
After Battle: Lucky Grrl spends a while rearranging the attic of his condo.
After Battle: Lucky Grrl vacuums the floors of his condo.
After Battle: Lucky Grrl wanders from room to room in his Leprecondo.
After Battle: Lucky Grrl wanders out onto his balcony and watches the world go by for a while.

This was the only FightRequest change:

    // Leprecondo actions are tagged this way
    if (LeprecondoManager.handlePostCombatMessage(str, image)) {

I suggest that, perhaps, the following should be before the "return":

    if (status.logFamiliar) {
      FightRequest.logText(str, status);