Bug r27908 Jick Jar use is mistaken as use of a Suspicious Jar, preventing Procedurally-Generated Skeleton Tower adventuring


New member
Session log attached just in case. I am out of Ronin in KOLHS for long aftercore, and have done my 40 school adventures for the day and adventured elsewhere just fine. I used a jar of psychoses (Jick) and began adventuring manually in The Tower of Procedurally-Generated Skeletons (I do not own an Angry Jung Man).

While Mafia was recording the combats I had in the tower just fine and automatically went to the Psychoses adventure tab and highlighted the Jick's Obsessions: The Tower of Procedurally-Generated Skeletons adventure option, trying to adventure in the tower from Mafia would generate an error message stating that That area is not available. Typing out the adventure command into the CLI resulted in the same error. Checking prefs, _psychoJarUsed was set to false but setting the pref to true still did not make the area adventurable.

Restarting Mafia, doing refresh all and refresh camp and Mafia did not change its behavior to allow me to adventure in The Tower (though Philter showed me having an extra Jick Jar as if I'd never used mine). Doing ash get_campground() was useful however and showed the following:

> ash get_campground()

Returned:    aggregate int [item]

jar of psychoses (The    Suspicious-Looking Guy) => 1

As per the fact that I had already been adventuring in Jick's Skeleton tower, this is clearly an error.

After this was seen, Name Guy Man on the ASScord noticed that upon using a Jick Jar that the campsite link says place.php?whichplace=junggate_11, and they believe that what's happening is that mafia is matching to junggate_1, thus leading to Jick Jar usage making Mafia think that the Suspicious Jar has been used instead.



If you can attach a debug log of an affected campground.php, I can sort
Did you mess with that HTML source at all? Usually it comes through with no linebreaks to the DEBUG file
Preferences/General/Extra Debugging
Include line breaks in logged HTML

I always do that because it’s, well, more readable.