I think the case is that many people have grown very fond of their workarounds for a bad feature and what I'd like to hear is what people's problems are not what they'd like the solutions to be.
I liked
@katyarn's suggestion of being able to organise bookmarks into folders, and I can imagine reflecting this heirarchy in the ctrl+k "command palette" to great effect.
My problem is that my workaround was working perfectly, but someone decided it was all wrong, apparently without even knowing it was an option.
And as a result, it's being undone for being 'wrong' and I'm forced to the same work to reorganize my scripts again.
Sliding through cascading menus is slow and error prone. My experience. YMMV, obviously.
Sliding menus reuire less mouseclicks, and I much prefer moving my mouse over clicking my mouse, as far as wrist-strain goes. Also, it is much quicker to find a file this way when you aren't quite sure in which folder you left it, because you only have to hover over the list to see all the others, rather than opening a folder, checking it and then clicking back, and then moving to the next folder.
And I honestly don't see the point of an MRU menu for this. It's great for something like the maximizer, where you might try a few close variations and want to remember your last few attempts.
But for this it just means your list constantly changes despite all the items on them staying the same: that means I can't just click the same script in the same place, which means I actually have to pay attention to not click the wrong one, rather than just clicking away by muscle memory.
So yeah, the 'solution' for me is going to be to ignore all your 'cool' new features, and go through the load script button every time. Because these new features don't have anything good that actually appeals to me, and you guys haven't convinced me why they are better.
Sure, I could favorite some scripts into my bookmarks, but why would I, I have already favorited them by putting them on my script bar. You guys remember that feature? Or is that another one that was apparently all forgotten about and now retroactively deemed bad and wrong to make your new feature that's basically your old feature look all cool.
For people still in the dark, I'm talking about this one:
So, why do we need 'new' bookmarks when this has been a thing for years too.
I guess my point is, this 'upgrade' feels like someone decided their script menu was getting too cluttered, and decided to fix it. Admirable. But they dd it by just assuming everyone was having the same problem, and writing something new to make it 'better' for everyone without considering what everyone else had already come up with, and previously implemented into mafia previously to deal with that same problem.