Bug - Fixed r17295 "You are currently in a choice" stopping anything automated from running


r17295 "You are currently in a choice" stopping anything automated from running

I am not actually in a choice. It's after adventuring, I've overdrunk, I can interact with the kingdom normally, but not through any mafia automation. Things that seem to get broken:

the maximizer, or any 'equip' command.

This also is happening in my non-adventuring mall multi.
I am after adventuring and overdrunk. I have no problem with the maximizer, the Equipment Manager, the Item Manager, "equip" commands, or anything else I have tried through the GUI or the CLI.

Go to the gCLI and type "choice" and tell us what it says.
Requesting store inventory...
Store inventory request complete.
You are currently in a choice.
Unhandled redirect to /game.php

> choice

You aren't in a choice adventure.
Also with maximizing. "maks" is an alias I use:

> maks meat

532 combinations checked, best score 430.00
You are currently in a choice.
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.

See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.