Bug - Won't Fix questL13Final property does not change after defeating the Naughty Sorceress


Right now there is an issue. After beating the NS (on the Big! challenge path if it matters), the questL13Final property still was listed as "step5" until I went back and visited my quest log. is there any way to track when the NS has been defeated (but the king has not been liberated)? Or is this a bug?
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FYI: The word "annoying" is a red flag for most developers on this forum and a sure way to get your request a lower priority. Other words such as "it is bugging me" or "it would be great if" or similar are a lot better when you want your requests to be taken seriously.
Don't use the A word unless you're asking to have your request relegated to the bottom of the fix-heap. Really... you should know better at this point. You've been here long enough.
Don't use the A word unless you're asking to have your request relegated to the bottom of the fix-heap. Really... you should know better at this point. You've been here long enough.

Fine, I changed the text... I guess I don't really understand the subtleties of wording my bug reports. Regardless of the adjectives used to describe this incorrect behavior, this should be easy to fix, triggering whenever you defeat the NS under a normal sign or receive any thwaitgold statuette.
From the sticky Bug Report Procedures that you DEFINITELY read before posting anything in this forum.
Please Note!

Please keep in mind that the developers are volunteering their time to create the program we all love and enjoy. Verbally bashing the program (and by extent, the programmers) by referring to the program's behavior as "annoying" or "aggravating" or similar adjectives is likely to piss them off, and for good reason. Please remember to be polite to the people who have put in countless hours out of their limited free time to give us such a useful tool.

Basically, follow directions. :)

And regarding the feature request to add in additional quest tracking; since that's a relatively new feature which isn't completely implemented yet, as you pointed out; at some point someone will decide on a good way to do that. Just try to follow the forum procedures and everything will go smoother. :)
If you actually look at the gash (by following the link from the page where you kill the Naughty Sorceress, with lair6.php as the URL if this is for a script), that will set it to finished. We could check for defeating every end-of-game enemy, and continue adding to that list when new challenge paths are added. However, since there aren't that many cases where it should matter (going to level 30 and pvp seem like the only reasons to kill the NS without freeing the king immediately), and given how easy it is to update that through normal actions, and the fact that once you log back in it should be set properly, I don't think it really needs changing.