Question about actions...


this ones fairly easy, I think.

I am babysitting a friends character.
When I switch between his and my character the auto-attack option seems to get turned on.

I am using
set battleAction=custom combat script
to reset it... is this overkill? will the set battleaction alone reset the character setting?
Other than ending and restarting a new KolMafia instance between character logins is there any other way to avoid this from happening?
Okies, I will give it a try and see what happens...

just not sure why it went from no auto attack to auto attack enabled...
Just ran a test....

> set battleAction=custom combat script

> adv 10 middle

Request 1 of 10 (Pyramid: The Middle Chamber) in progress...
Changing auto-attack: attack with weapon

I aborted it and then

> set battleAction=custom combat script

battleAction => custom: xxxxxx.ccs

> adv 4 middle

Request 1 of 4 (Pyramid: The Middle Chamber) in progress...
Changing auto-attack: disabled

So I'm a bit confused, the auto-attack somehow keeps getting turned on, despite my resetting it via the web browser by hand and by using the cli commands that should set it to use my ccs. I am not using any script on login that might change it, and any script i do allow to alter ccs only loads 1 and then loads the original again.

Any other ideas?
Both of the affected characters have basically the same .css but with different names based on the character name. spectral snapper might get swapped out for fearful fettuccini depending on what skill is right for that characters class.

something else I noticed was that on the main pane after the set battleaction command goes out, the action selection is then blank.

I might try resetting the preference files, by deleting and letting them be recreated, but I was hoping to avoid doing that because I didn't want to reset all of the preferences for each character. I've done it before and almost always forget a setting or 10...

[ default ]
1: attack with weapon

[ candied yam golem ]
skill spectral snapper

[ Malevolent Tofurkey ]
skill spectral snapper

[ Possessed Can of Cranberry Sauce ]
skill spectral snapper

[ Stuffing Golem ]
skill spectral snapper

[ Cadáver ]
skill spectral snapper

[ MagiMechTech MechaMech ]
skill Transcendent Olfaction

[ Astronomer ]
skill Transcendent Olfaction

[ cubist bull ]
skill Transcendent Olfaction

[ sommelier ]
skill Transcendent Olfaction

[ Raver Giant ]
skill Transcendent Olfaction

[ scarab beatles ]
skill Transcendent Olfaction

[ tomb bat ]
skill Transcendent Olfaction

[ Bean Counter ]
skill Transcendent Olfaction
Well, I think that explains it. Your CCS is basically, "attack with weapon except in these special cases", so mafia sets your autoattack to attack with weapon and only intervenes when it meets the criteria for a special case.
dangerpin - the problem with that idea, is that once it sets itself to auto-attack it no longer checks the css for a match, it just attacks ignoring the css instructions.

It seems like the preference is being overridden, rather than read and applied when you go from one character to another without ending and restarting KolMafia.
I checked the pref file for both and they were set to custom, and I checked the account menu and the kingdom auto attack feature was set to off.

For the meantime I think I will go back to "single use" instances of KolMafia to avoid the problem. And to answer the next question, no they are not simultaneous instances don't need to flood the server or run the risk of the flash drive not keeping up.
I am on XP and run it from a flash drive, java is up to date.
I typically compile the latest build each night. Using RapidSVN and ant.

I am befuddled.
oooh.... 6392
When logout from one character and login to another, update battle action
and custom combat script combo boxes in Adventure Frame.

updating and working on building newest version now...
I'll report on results