Quest Status Check


I've been trying to build a set of functions to enable someone to check the status of any of the quests in the game.  I've been using the visit_url() function along with the contains_text() function to try and check out the campground quest log pages, but I'm running into a problem because in order to search both the completed and current quests the URL needs to have a ? in it which apparently gets stripped out from the URL parameter to visit_url().  Here are the two URLs I need to parse:

Current Quest Log URL: "questlog.php?which=1"
Completed Quest Log URL: "questlog.php?which=2"

I've attached my unfinished script to this post.  A lot of the statements are still in comment/pseudocode form, but it should be finished enough to test any of the main quests listed in the ash map at the top of the script.


can you use the hex code for a '?'
I've seen URL with spaces turned into '%20' and I think thats the hex code for a space (But I could be Waaaay off.)
This is a kludge, but it'll get you back on the road until the developers see your report.

string current_quests = visit_url("questlog.php");
string completed_quests = visit_url("questlog.php");
That worked, thanks! I have an option in my script to only request a refresh of the HTML when its blank, so I'll make sure I use that to keep the server hits low. I should be able to finish the rest of the subquest checking over the next couple of days.