Quest log checking


New member
is there any way i can make a script so it checks the quest log to tell you if the quest is complete or where you are in the quest? any help would be appreciated
Use visit_url() to check the log and contains_text() to check if it says something interesting.
thanks a lot! what if i want to check if i can visit a place or not? like say i wanna go to the castle in the sky and i want to check if thats a possibility?
If you want to go to the castle, this will work:

if (item_amount($item[S.O.C.K.]) + item_amount($item[intragalactic rowboat]) > 0) {
   // do stuff in the castle

I have a project in the wings that will give you an easier, more general-purpose solution than this... but for the moment, this'll do, pig. This'll do.