Bug - Waiting for Info Quantum taco mysteriously going POOF

At 15/15 fullness, enqueued a quantum taco - or tried to, anyway. At that point it simply disappeared from the consumables list. No amount of hitting undo would bring it back. KoLmafia still thinks I have one - which is correct, since I never tried to consume it.
I figured out what's going on... the quantum taco ends up in the SPLEEN section, instead of FOOD, when enqueued. Undoing sends it back to where it belongs. Odd...

KoLmafia 16.2 r13485, OS X 10.9.1, Java 7u45
It's marked as 0 fullness - since it is variable - and KoLmafia, as coded, will only queue things on the food queue if they provide fullness > 0. Probably needs a special case somewhere.
Enqueuing a quantum taco puts it in the spleen queue


Go to item manager - usable - food, select quantum taco in the list (assuming you have one), use "enqueue" button. No quantum tacos appear in the food queue, but the number of quantum tacos in the list has been decremented. But if you look in the spleen manager, the queued quantum tacos are there. And that's where using the "undo" button dequeues them. Also, you can queue as many quantum tacos as you have, due to zero full, I guess. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose.

Maybe these are chewy tacos... :-p