Feature Quantity to mall_price()


Active member
It would be different if it was really "Ignore the cheapest 5 items" (so mall_price(i) would get you 5th price, mall_price(i,1) would get you 6th price).

And I think what functions should do should be decided based on what their users will want them to do (or as close as possible), not based on how easy it is to explain to them.
"why isn't this doing what I want it to do?"
"because what you want is not simple enough to explain"

"mall_price(ITEM,N) is mafia's estimation of how much it would cost you to buy N units of ITEM in the mall right now"
what's the simpler addendum to that?
"but it will pretend that the first 5 items in the mall don't exist (so it will actually use prices number 6 to 5+N), because you are not supposed to see the first 4 prices"
"but it will pretend the first 5 items are all priced at mall_price(ITEM) (the price of the 5th item), because you are not supposed to see the first 4 prices"


Staff member
I think it would really be "ignore the cheapest 4 items," and hope that saying 5 there was an error, such that mall_price( item ) == mall_price( item, 1 ).


Active member
I think I may have caused some confusion in my original post when I said mall_price(item, 5) should return the sum of the 6th-10th price. I had in my head that KoLmafia skipped the first 5 prices, but it actually skips the first 4. To avoid any new people becoming confused over my original wording, I edited the original post.

mall_price(item, 1) should be equivalent to mall_price(item) and I would imagine if this ever got implemented that mall_price(item) would just become an overloaded wrapper function containing the internal equivalent of return mall_price(item, 1);.
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