Quameleon Questions


Yeah, I did that just for the QQ.

I recently (last night) acquired a comma chameleon and was wondering if there was any built in functionality for feeding the chameleon items (ash, cli, or preferences) when it shifts back approx. 45 turns later.

Didn't find anything when i searched for "comma chameleon" so I thought i'd post this for discussion and / or insight.
Just did a search through the code for anywhere it mentions 'chameleon' and basically found that what the code automatically does is avoid any possible auto-equipping. Could do it as a between battle script fairly easily though, I think? If your equipped familiar is a chameleon, and they don't have an item, equip item... or is it not that simple?
Yeah. I know they did an update to support breakable items to auto-equip on break. Just wondering if the chameleon worked the same way. I guess i could put in a feature request for that. I think it worked as an item based choice adventure setting right?
Just did a search through the code for anywhere it mentions 'chameleon' and basically found that what the code automatically does is avoid any possible auto-equipping.

As far as I know, we've never put in anything to support the chameleon's features, other than code to support its restrictions. I bought a chameleon when it first came out but have never actually taken it out of my terrarium yet. It might be fun to give it try and see what would be useful for it, but I'm swamped, at the moment: not only have I just spent the last two weeks moving (temporarily, perhaps) from Boston to Dallas, but the startup company of which I am one of the founders really needs me to spend my time working, rather than doing KoLmafia stuff.

I'm willing to put in simple data file changes or code that others have written, after it's been tested by the community.

Perhaps we need more devs.

If you actually write Java code for KoLmafia and are interested in access to the dev forum, send me a PM here.
Okay... so, do we want to actually do this? If so, I'll need to ask a ton of questions. :)

First, how exactly does the CC consume? If I'm understanding the generic message error correctly, you just equip the gear of the familiar you want it to emulate, and it automatically consumes it, right?

Second, when does the item disappear? Does it disappear after the ~45 adventures, or immediately? It's not completely clear, especially as it talks about unequipping items to shift it back to pure CC. If it disappears immediately, and you equip another of the same type, does that provide +5 weight while equipped, or is it just immediately consumed again?

Third, what do we want to accomplish? Do we want to just set the item that you want it to auto-equip if possible, or do we want to be able to run this through some sort of modifier-maximizer type thing where you can give it a goal like meat or items or exp and it'll try to consume the best possible? This is more dangerous if the second, because anything (in the consumable set) might get picked if it provides the best gain...

Fourth, I suppose, is whether or not we want to allow automatic consumption of your last item of a specific type, or how exactly that should be handled... Allow for last consumption if you don't actually have the familiar, but keep one if you do?

Probably enough to start working on (if there's actual call for it) after we have some of those answers... initially at least, it'll likely be manually set just with the set CLI command, but might someday toss an actual menu around it. I don't have one, but if people will actually test and let me know, I'll do the work to make it happen...