Bug QT Maximizer Issue


In Quantum Terrarium, sometimes the maximizer attempts to make a familiar I no longer have active. Seems to be the turn after familiar changes. Encountering this in autoscend. At first thought it was an issue where the QT prefs aren't up to date, but I did add a visit_url to the terrarium to ensure those prefs are correct every turn

Haven't been able to reliably reproduce. Just happens occasionally, like a couple times a day. Re-running autoscend lets it continue without issue. I've tried running maximizer directly after the error and it passes without issue as well, even with the same input as the failure. I can get mafia debug logs if they would be helpful.

More info - I did add a print commands directly before and after the maximizer call. One prior was printed, but not the one after. Meaning issue is within the maximizer. Could very well be how we are using it, but nothing is popping out to me. Don't see "switch" param in there
Built mafia locally so I could set a breakpoint on the error. Have narrowed it down to an issue on this line
`FamiliarData fam = Maximizer.best.getFamiliar();` in Maximizer.emitSlot

I no longer have Cymbal-Playing Monkey

Maximizer.best is set on line 152 of Maximizer.java
`Maximizer.best = new MaximizerSpeculation();`

So seems to be an issue in MaximizerSpeculation() still believing I have a familiar which I don't. This is getting into the maximizer a bit. I'll keep poking but open to ideas from others!
Are you using Bjorn or Crown, or is this just familiar equipment?

We refresh before we start maximizing, so I'm surprised it can get your current familiar wrong, which is what appears to be happening.
Okay, so I was mistaken -- we don't refresh KoL state, only internal modifier state. So in src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/maximizer/Maximizer.java, try changing
    // ensure current modifiers are up-to-date
    if (KoLCharacter.inQuantum()) {
      RequestThread.postRequest(new QuantumTerrariumRequest());
    // catch passive skills
    // ensure current modifiers are up-to-date