Pyromania - mana burning fine tuning

set_property("manaBurningThreshold", 1.0*targetMP /my_maxmp())
looks like it will work better, otherwise you're setting it to 0. There are other, possibly better ways to convert to a float (such as to_float() for the numerator), and it's likely that 17 digits of precision isn't actually necessary.
Thank you. Forgot about the need to convert from integers to floats. Editing previous post accordingly.
Or you can define your targetMP as a float. Instead of 11 MP you say 11.0 MP and then you don't need to convert it to a float.

Good luck with that.
Song of bravado (and other Dread songs) aren't showing up in the relay settings, and I'm unsure how to disable it as part of balancing. After I was done adventuring today I noticed that I had 5300+ turns of song of bravado as a result.
I just noticed that this script was broken by KoLmafia update r13471 back in January which added skill images to classkills. I've fixed my version and I'm attaching it here for everyone who wants a functional pyromania.


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