Pyramid completion script


New member
This script will complete the pyramid part of the lvl 11 quest from any point once it's been unlocked. If you have any questions, problems, etc, let me know. Enjoy!


Here's my CLI script. Yours is much niftier in being able to be called even if you've already started the subquest. But this one does a few things you might want to add:

  • [li]it sets the choice adventures before and after (in case you want to come back to farm)[/li]
    [li]it calls my "noncombat" mood, uneffects combat buffs, and tries to put on noncombat equipment[/li]
    [li]it cleans up some of the items gained[/li]
    [li]it gets ready for the battle with Ed (you could make those casts conditional on skill possession checks)[/li]
Hey those are pretty useful scripts. Good job :) I think I hate the pyramid part the most out of all the quests.
Works good so far...

One thing though... after obtaining the bronze token, the second round of 'turnings' added a condition - 2 choices left, when it should be 4. After getting 2 choice advs, it went to the next step in the lower chambers without getting the bomb. I had to call the script again to get it to pick back up at the other 2 choices to get the bomb, where it stopped again. I had to recall it yet again to finish the wheel rotation to unlock the chamber.

edit: which it never did unlock it... i suspect somewhere in there the bomb was being used or... not really sure, but now a little pissed I lost several adventures only to restart the whole thing manually.