pvp auto-retaliation script


New member
I've had a few requests to share this. It's basically just a slightly tweaked version of Sentrion's excellent "Defensive PvP results in chat", found here:


Before I go any further, let me make something perfectly clear: Running this script when you aren't confident that you can basically beat everyone, will probably result in wasting all of your fights. I am not to be held responsible for any negative repercussions you may suffer from running this.

What it does:
Auto-retaliates when you are attacked in pvp.
It will first try to ballyhoo for items, then, if you lose or the attack fails because the target is in Ronin/HC (or you are), it will hit using moxie, for flowers. It will repeat those actions until you run out of fights.

Suggestions for tweaks:

You can change the line:
while (pvp_attacks_left() > 0)
to some other number, so that it will only retaliate when you have more than X fights remaining (say, 50)

You can change whether it hits for muscle, myst, moxie, or ballyhoo by changing the stance variable.

You can add something like:
boolean temp = cli_execute("throw jawbruiser at " + attacker );
to the script immediately prior to the "while (pvp_attacks_left() > 0)" line to automatically jawbruise the person who hit you. I left that out by default because I realize it's expensive and most people won't want to use it. You could also replace the entire while statement to make it so the script only jawbruises and doesn't attack.

Place in scripts directory, and type "set chatbotScript = pvp_retaliate.ash" in mafia's gCLI.

This script will only work if you are in chat. I think.


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