Pumpkin Problems

Banana Lord

I'm not entirely sure if this should be a bug or a feature request, but I have my breakfast settings configured to harvest pumpkins (regular ones). Since I had a period of inactivity not too long ago there was a ginormous pumpkin in my pumpkin patch, but mafia didn't harvest it because my settings told it not to (meaning that I've missed quite a lot of pumpkin harvests). Wouldn't it make sense for mafia to harvest the contents of your pumpkin patch if there was a pumpkin in there bigger than the size set in your breakfast preferences?
Here's a completely untested patch for you. I'm not sure whether this is a good idea, whether the patch works past compiling, or whether I did this the right way, but if you'd like to test it, it's there.


I'll post a feature request for it then.

Hmm, unfortunately I picked it manually so there's little sense in testing the patch (if I ever knew what I was supposed to do with it >_<). But it was very nice of you to post it Alhifar :)