Proposal: Require Java 17


Staff member
Hi all,

We're discussing requiring Java 17 so that we can use some of the features added between 11 (which we require currently) and 17 -- for example, record types require at least 16.

In the initial Java 11 switchover thread, we mentioned that we would want to move to Java 17 eventually, and we've been recommending it for a while. If you're using it, you don't need to make any changes; if not you could download it in preparation.
This was proposed 7 weeks ago today.
I have seen no objections - or any public response at all.
How about if we do it now?
I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. And it had openjdk-11 installed by default. Upgrading to 17 was as simple as "sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk openjdk-17-jre".
I was initially concerned about the Rhino issue, but that's fixed now. And while it seems to be a Java 17 issue at first, it would have affected all versions eventually (as the code in question was backported).
I've been running with 17.0.2 and 17.0.3 on an Intel MBP for weeks with no surprises. I think the switch can be thrown.
Jenkins is already building it with Java 17 so we are good there also.

Gradle 7.4.2

Build time:   2022-03-31 15:25:29 UTC
Revision:     540473b8118064efcc264694cbcaa4b677f61041

Kotlin:       1.5.31
Groovy:       3.0.9
Ant:          Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.11 compiled on July 10 2021
JVM:          17.0.3 (Eclipse Adoptium 17.0.3+7)
OS:           Linux 5.11.0-49-generic amd64