Feature Proposal: allow Mafia to read/write clan dungeon chat channels


I've been working on some clan dungeon collaboration scripts, and it would be useful to have the scripts be able to use the dungeon chat channels to communicate between players. In particular, when a player gets to the I Refuse! adventure in The Heap, it is helpful for one player to let everyone else know that they're there, and for the other players to be able to receive that message.

My limited understanding is that we don't allow access to non-private chat channels in general, but I think the clan dungeon channels are OK - they're private to one clan and generally see very little activity other than the automated messages.

Curious what other folks think.
From ChatSender.java:
      ChatSender.scriptedMessagesEnabled =
          recipient == null
              || recipient.equals("")
              || recipient.equals("/clan")
              || recipient.equals("/hobopolis")
              || recipient.equals("/slimetube")
              || recipient.equals("/dread")
              || recipient.equals("/hauntedhouse");

Does this not work? Is there a new clan dungeon chat channel?

Today, programmatic read access to those chat channels is only possible via chatbotScript. You should theoretically be able to communicate between a chatbotScript (which executes for each relevant chat message) and a main script by setting properties on one end, and waiting for changes on the other.