Problems with stash.


New member
I am having problems with my clean-up program not putting things into the clan stash.

I am using a very simple CLI script.

This is the command I am usinng:

stash put * cocoa eggshell fragment; (for a single item)

stash put * bilge wine, * bit of clingfilm, * cream stout, * creamsicle, * shot of rotgut; (for multiple items)

I have tried the most recent version and a few random choices backwards to version 5922.

Any help would be appreciated.
I thought clingfilm was untradeable? Do any of the commands work? Try an inventory refresh before hand, if mafia thinks you don't have any of the item, it's going to move the item.
in the cli a ; at the end of the command is not needed unless there is more than one command on a line.

As Macman stated bit of clingfilm is not trade-able and therefore not stash-able. kolmafia is probably trying to put that item in with others in a group of 11, and KOL's servers detect that the item cannot go in so all items going into the stash fails server side for that group of 11.
Oops, I did not know that you could not trade clingfilm. That could be what hangs up on that particular line. Unfortunately, none of my stash put commands work. Neither single or multiple item ones.

I have tried refreshing inventory, I have tried from a freshly started session of Mafia. I have tried various versions of Mafia. The commands do not seem to work for me.

Mafia still seems to see the stash as I can still pull things from there if I need them for cooking of mixing.
I don't really use my stash a lot, and just tried it all again.

Mafia still doesn't seem to like my stash right off, but if I go into the clan management window, and refresh both the deposit and withdraw panes, then my script works just fine.

Thank you for all your help.
I'm having this same problem :(

The refreshing the clan manager tabs seems to solve the problem, but is there a cli command that does a refresh of the clan manager deposit and withdraw tabs?