Bug - Fixed Problems with recent SVN builds

Starting with KoLmafia-14326.jar, the hourly builds will not open at all on my computer. 14325 works fine, and opens like it should. But every version released after that, I double click it... and nothing happens. No window opening, no sign of any action in the Task Manager. Just nothing.

I even downloaded a previous version (that I had not downloaded before), to see if it was some kind of issue in how I was downloading them (if that's even a thing that can happen). 14323.jar downloaded, and it opened up just fine, so it appears to be something that might have been changed starting with 14326.

(I also noticed that the file size, which normally increases by a tiny bit with each update, actually decreased when 14326.jar was released. 14325.jar is listed as 11,335 KB, but then 14326.jar is only 11,329 KB. Could *that* be related to the problem as well, or am I just grasping as straws here?)

Edit: Additionally, the nightly build of KoLmafia.exe doesn't work for me either. It briefly opens in the Task Manager, but then disappears again, and I never see so much as a log-in screen or a window open up.
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It seems odd that r14326 would cause a problem like that, but lets start by asking for some basic information to determine why your system is having a problem with builds that other people find just nifty.

  1. What is your OS?
  2. What is your version of javascript?

One other thing. You seem concerned about the small size of the build. r14326 removes all the code that used to be necessary to keep track of dusty bottles of wine back when they were random. (Dusty bottles of wine are no longer random.) It is only normal that this change would have made the build a little smaller.
The code to track dusty bottles was removed, yes, but that was actually not the biggest code removal. I removed an entire file - the code to "decorate" the four corners of the old wine cellar with the wines that are available there. So it is expected that the .jar file would have shrunk in that submit.
Oh right. I'm using Windows 7, and just recently gave in to Java's constant prodding to upgrade (Version 7 Upgrade 67, does that sound right?)

And yeah, I suppose the file size thing was in fact just me grasping at straws.
u67?! That's new. Seems They released a new version 2 days ago. I certainly cannot guess if that effects anything.
The part that baffled me was that stuff before a certain release time/date worked (and still works) fine, but anything after that point didn't work. My first thought was that the update messed something up on my end, but I think that probably would've made all the .jar files not work.
That seems unlikely to me also, but I really don't want to update to u67 to check that out since I know that all versions of java above u55 have a bug that causes display issues for KoLmafia. Judging by the changelog and current bug report they have not yet fixed that bug.
Sure. Uninstall your current java through the control panel. Then install java 7u55 which you can download from HERE.

It is unlikely to fix the problem in question, but it will improve mafia's ability to print tables in the CLI.
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I would suggest opening a command prompt window, navigating to the folder with mafia, and running "java -jar KoLmafia-{whatever}.jar", which will hopefully give some useful output. Try this with a version of mafia that works by double-clicking to check that this is all working properly, then try with a nonworking version and there will hopefully be some relevant output.
Fascinating. I see exactly what is happening:

You are on windows and have a system tray.
When it initializes that, it calls KoLCharacter.getUserName()
-> That needs to initialize KoLCharacter
KoLCharacter.WANDS is static data containing AdventureResults
-> That needs to initialize ItemDatabase
When adding pseudo items - dusty bottles, in particular - that calls KoLCharacter.inSlowcore()
That looks at KoLCharacter.ascensionPath - which is later in KoLCharacter than KoLCharacter.WANDS and therefore has not been initialized yet.

I solved similar initialization issues while putting in that submit. I am amazed that this did not happen to me.

I can fix this, although I cannot test it.