Problem: MAFIA only works when run as ADMIN. or A Return to Noobville.

So, I have been using kolmafia for over a year now, and for several reasons that i'm just not motivated to describe, I have two Mafia folders.

Yesterday I decided to start fresh on my second folder, so I deleted it and started a fresh one. D/Led the .exe (later tried the .jar with the same results), and when I click it, nothing happens. If i right-click>run as admin it works just fine, but this was never the case with my old folder, and it isn't happening with my original installation either.

Anyone have any easy remedies?
That does work, but it has always been in "Program Files," and the existing version is there as well and works fine. It's only an issue because I don't want to have to rewrite a bunch of paths.
It's a change (for the better) in the Windows security model. In order for programs to run from those locations, they require an admin to give them the ok. Back in XP, you almost certainly were an admin, since all accounts were by default. They no longer are. Your only options are really to either circumvent security precautions by creating and using a full-admin account in Windows, run mafia as admin every time, or move the directory.
Not true... go into folder properties, change security on that folder to give yourself (or users) full control of that folder, and it should work fine. The default folder permission on Program Files in Vista+ is Users have read/execute and Administrators have full control.

If you give Users modify or full control, or yourself as the specific user, it should allow you to run it again.
Yep, that's the fix I was looking for. Thanks for the help, folks.

so, any ideas why that happened? i know i didn't modify the permissions on either of the original Mafia folders. they simply worked.
Folders moved on the same drive retain their permissions. If you created the folder as User on your desktop, and moved it as Administrator to the Program Files menu, it would retain its "regular" permissions status with you being able to modify it as the regular user.