Bug - Fixed Price calculation incorrect for gift shop purchases


I see a 5% discount which reduces "All-Purpose Flower" from 2k to 1.9k
But when using CLI to buy a "All-Purpose Flower" it'll grab the sweatpants, claim it's buying at 1.8k. Spend 1.9k and restore my pants.

Equipping my pants and going there manually shoes it is at 1.9k. Using a holiday coupon "Black Day" doesn't change it either.

> buy all-purpose flower

Putting on    designer sweatpants...
Equipment changed.
Purchasing all-purpose    flower (1 @ 1,800)...
You acquire an item:    all-purpose flower
You spent 1,900 Meat
Purchases complete.
Putting    on purpleheart "pants"...
Equipment changed.