Bug - Not A Bug prefref not showing results (20582 on osx)


I'm on the most current release of Mafia at the time of writing this, and trying to prefref seems to not work.

Screen Shot 2020-12-21 at 10.06.43.png

This is not the case in my prior build, 20226:

Screen Shot 2020-12-21 at 10.08.26.png

Some assistance please? Sorry about this.
I can't reproduce this. Also I don't recognize that interface for prefref, is there some setting that makes it render not-in-a-table?
I cannot reproduce on Windows. I see it in a table. Any chance this is a side effect of some of the Look & Feel work?
There was a prefref alias floating around for several years (written by jasonharper) before I added it as a CLI command, and that is its output format. (I renamed the alias to pref for myself, I often like that look better than the prefref output format I added...) I assume that an alias overrides a CLI command of the same name.

This is the same bug report as https://kolmafia.us/threads/can-no-...tained-in-the-kolmafia-jar.25704/#post-160637 where internal data files require prepending data/ to access them with file_to_map() now.

So, I guess this is Not A Bug. DanceCommander6, you'll want to do
alias prefref => ashq record r{string d ; }; r[string,string]m; file_to_map("data/defaults.txt",m); foreach t,p,d in m if(to_lower_case(p).contains_text(to_lower_case($string[%%]))) print_html(p+" ("+t+", now '"+get_property(p)+"', default "+d.d+")")
to keep using that alias, or
unalias prefref
to use the built-in command.