Minor correction. While you're correct that it does check relative to the root directory, that logic is specifically for something like Firefox portable or for people who write shell scripts that load their preferred browser in a very specific way and want KoLmafia to invoke it. Assuming that fails (which will be the case 99% of the time), the BrowserLauncher code was augmented with logic to handle common browser options such as Firefox and Opera. So in the event that just "firefox" gets to the BrowserLauncher code, it will always looks in the "\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox" directory for Firefox in every drive between C and Z.... if it doesn't find a file there... It does nothing. In your case, it doesn't find a file there, so it does nothing, leaving your preferred browser as simply "firefox".
It's only when all of that fails that KoLmafia runs the command as-is and prays for a miracle.