> call scripts\Hobo_Buffs_v0.9.ash
Sending kmail to Kli1195...
Searching for "llama lama gong"...
Purchasing llama lama gong (1 @ 3,000)...
You acquire an item: llama lama gong
Purchases complete.
Gong path: mole
Using 1 llama lama gong...
You acquire an effect: Shape of...Mole! (duration: 12 Adventures)
Finished using 1 llama lama gong.
[10858] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw wins initiative!
Round 1: bazaaretw casts TUNNEL UPWARDS!
You lose 10 hit points
Round 2: bazaaretw attacks!
You gain 122 Meat
You gain 14 Beefiness
You gain 25 Mysteriousness
You gain 11 Roguishness
[10859] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: digital underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw wins initiative!
Round 1: bazaaretw casts TUNNEL UPWARDS!
Round 2: bazaaretw attacks!
You gain 112 Meat
You gain 12 Fortitude
You gain 28 Mysteriousness
You gain 13 Chutzpah
[10860] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: spelunking astronaut
Round 0: bazaaretw wins initiative!
Round 1: bazaaretw casts TUNNEL UPWARDS!
You lose 10 hit points
Round 2: bazaaretw attacks!
You gain 98 Meat
You gain 6 Fortitude
You gain 27 Enchantedness
You gain 19 Chutzpah
[10861] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: A Fairly Large Fairy
You gain 896 hit points
[10862] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: bazaaretw wins initiative!
Round 1: bazaaretw casts TUNNEL UPWARDS!
Round 2: bazaaretw attacks!
You gain 14 Strongness
You gain 26 Enchantedness
You gain 13 Cheek
[10863] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: spelunking astronaut
Round 0: bazaaretw wins initiative!
Checking for updates (running First Things First ver. 3.6)...
_version_FTF => 3.6
You have a current version of First Things First.
Checking for updates (running SmartStasis ver. 2.3)...
_version_SS => 2.3
You have a current version of SmartStasis.
Round 1: bazaaretw attacks!
You gain 111 Meat
You gain 14 Fortitude
You gain 26 Wizardliness
You gain 10 Chutzpah
[10864] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: velvet underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw wins initiative!
Round 1: bazaaretw attacks!
You gain 127 Meat
You gain 7 Strengthliness
You gain 28 Magicalness
You gain 15 Sarcasm
[10865] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: Here She Come Now Singin' Molé Molé
You acquire an item: mole molé
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw wins initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
[10866] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: weather underground dweller
Round 0: bazaaretw loses initiative!
KoLmafia declares world peace.
KoLmafia declares world peace.
KoLmafia declares world peace.
[24357] Seaside Megalopolis
Encounter: Bad Reception Down Here
Manual control requested for choice #353
void seaside(){
if (my_adventures() == 0){
print("Out of adventures.");
while((item_amount($item[blue milk club card]) < 1)){
if (adventure(1, $location[Seaside Megalopolis])){
adventure(1, $location[Seaside Megalopolis]);
use(1, $item[agua de vida]);
void seaside2(){
if (my_adventures() == 0){
print("Out of adventures.");
while((item_amount($item[blue milk club card]) > 0)){
if (adventure(1, $location[Seaside Megalopolis])){
adventure(1, $location[Seaside Megalopolis]);}
use(1, $item[agua de vida]);
[24488] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: icon315 wins initiative!
Round 1: icon315 tries to steal an item!
[24488] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: icon315 loses initiative!
[24488] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: icon315 loses initiative!
[24488] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: icon315 loses initiative!
[24488] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: icon315 loses initiative!
[24488] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: icon315 loses initiative!
[24488] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: icon315 loses initiative!
[24488] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: icon315 loses initiative!
[24488] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: icon315 loses initiative!
[24488] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: icon315 loses initiative!
[24488] Mt. Molehill
Encounter: dwarvish gnome
Round 0: icon315 loses initiative!
void molehill(){
if (my_adventures() == 0){
print("Out of adventures.");
while( have_effect($effect[Shape of...Mole!]) > 0 ) {
visit_url("adventure.php?snarfblat=177") ;
switch( have_effect($effect[Shape of...Mole!]) ) {
case 12:
case 11:
case 10:
case 8:
case 7:
case 6:
use_skill($skill[tunnel upwards]) ;
run_combat() ;
break ;
case 4:
case 3:
case 2:
run_combat() ;
break ;
If i remember correctly i only had 1 adventure left.Icon: how many turns of Mole do you have left when this happens ?
Also, how is Mafia setup to handle combats?
You're not using free runaways, are you?
if((have_effect($effect[Shape of...Mole!]) > 7)){
use_skill($skill[tunnel upwards]);
else if((have_effect($effect[Shape of...Mole!]) < 8 )){
else if((have_effect($effect[Bureaucratized]) > 0)){
else if((have_effect($effect[Bureaucratized]) > 0)){
else if((have_effect($effect[Shape of...Mole!]) < 8 )){
if(get_property("sideDefeated") == "fratboys" && get_property("sidequestArenaCompleted") == "hippy")
while((item_amount($item[The Legendary Beat]) > 0) && (have_effect($effect[Clyde's Blessing])) == 0 ) {
use( 1 , $item[The Legendary Beat] );}
if(!get_property("_legendaryBeat").to_boolean() && retrieve_item(1, $item[Legendary Beat]))
use(1, $item[Legendary Beat]);
if (item_amount($item[Moveable feast]) > 0){
if(retrieve_item(1, $item[Moveable feast])){
use( 1 , $item[Bubblewrap bottlecap turtleban] );
buy( 10 , $item[BRICKO ooze] );
retrieve_item( 10 , $item[BRICKO ooze] );
Actually, that should beLooks useful.
After looking through the code I did notice some things however.
1. The arena buff is not being detected correctly. Unless I'm missing something lines 349 & 350 will always be false. I think the valid settings for the sideDefeated property are neither, both, hippies, fratboys. The valid settings for the side quest completed properties are fratboy and hippy. For your purposes (i.e getting Dilated Pupils) I think you'll want something like this:
Code:if(get_property("sideDefeated") == "fratboys" && get_property("sidequestArenaCompleted") == "hippy")
if((get_property("sideDefeated") == "fratboys" || get_property("sideDefeated")=="none") && get_property("sidequestArenaCompleted") == "hippy")
get_property("sideDefeated") != "hippies" || get_property("sideDefeated") != "both"
boolean hippies_alive(){
if(get_property("sideDefeated")=="none" || get_property("sideDefeated")=="fratboys") return true;
return false;}
boolean fratboys_alive(){
if(get_property("sideDefeated")=="none" || get_property("sideDefeated")=="hippies") return true;
return false;}