Bug PostAdventure script moment of execution is different when using from relay versus while using auto-adventure

Lacey Jones

New member
It seems like post advenutre runs before effect durations are decremented when running from the relay browser, and after that when running from auto-adventuring, to test just do a simple script that prints the duration of any effect you have and run one combat from auto-adventure and another from the relay browser, and you'll see the value is inconsistent between the two.

Log example, one auto-adventure and 1 manual combat through the relay, printing coated in slime turns:

Validating adventure sequence...

Visit to Clan Basement: The Slime Tube in progress...

[7128] The Slime Tube
Encounter: dripping Slime polyp
Round 0: Lacey Jones wins initiative!
Round 1: Keldor takes a pull on the hookah, and immediately goes into a coughing fit, blowing a cloud of smoke in your face. Since this is magic smoke, instead of giving you cancer (or, perhaps in addition to giving you cancer), it gives you an effect:
You acquire an effect: Always be Collecting (6)
Round 1: Lacey Jones executes a macro!
Round 1: Lacey Jones casts EXTRACT!
You acquire an item: Source essence
Round 2: Lacey Jones casts SING ALONG!
Round 3: Slime Tube monster takes 1 damage.
Round 3: Slime Tube monster takes 17 damage.
Round 3: You lose 1 hit point
Round 3: Lacey Jones wins the fight!
After Battle: PrimeAir surveys the scene from atop the throne and sighs.
After Battle: You gain 3 hit points
After Battle: You gain 3 Mana Points
You gain 159 Meat
After Battle: Underhanded Force slinks out of the shadows and hands you some meat she found.
You gain 10 Meat.
After Battle: Keldor does the traditional "Spooky Scary Skeletons" dance. It's adorable.
You acquire an item: slimy sweetbreads
You acquire an item: slimy fermented bile bladder
After Battle: You think you see a weird thing out of the corner of your eye, but it turns out to be nothing. Which is actually pretty weird, if you think about it, man.
After Battle: You gain 2 Fortitude
After Battle: You gain 9 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 1 Smarm

Requests complete.

[7129] The Slime Tube
Encounter: glistening Slime polyp
Round 0: Lacey Jones wins initiative!
Round 1: Lacey Jones executes a macro!
Round 1: Lacey Jones casts EXTRACT!
You acquire an item: Source essence
Round 2: Lacey Jones casts SING ALONG!
Round 3: Lacey Jones attacks!
Round 4: Slime Tube monster takes 22326 damage.
You gain 69 Meat.
Round 4: Lacey Jones wins the fight!
After Battle: PrimeAir surveys the scene from atop the throne and sighs.
After Battle: You gain 4 hit points
After Battle: You gain 5 Mana Points
You gain 182 Meat
After Battle: Underhanded Force looks around carefully, and once she's satisfied you're alone, she gives you some meat.
You gain 13 Meat.
After Battle: Keldor does the traditional "Spooky Scary Skeletons" dance. It's adorable.
After Battle: You think you see a weird thing out of the corner of your eye, but it turns out to be nothing. Which is actually pretty weird, if you think about it, man.
After Battle: You gain 10 Enchantedness
After Battle: You gain 2 Cheek
I suspect this is due to manual adventuring loading charpane.php, while automated adventuring loads api.php (a decision made several years ago). Both give the same information (in this case, effects remaining), but probably load with different timings relative to other requests.

This sounds like the thing that made me give up on accurately tracking turns_spent in some niche cases.