New Content - Implemented Possible incoming issues


Just read this "He removed and renamed a lot of *.php scripts and links. For example, the Dungeoneer's Association used to be dungeons.php but is now da.php. (This means that third party scripts that provided a direct link to dungeons.php need to be changed.) " in GD.

Suspect we might have a number of (probably easy to fix) bugs incoming. Will have a poke around and see which I can see.
Those should have been fixed long ago in mafia. If we had tried to parse cyrpt.php when it was only a redirect to crypt.php, it would have done nothing, for example. I'm not completely sure that nothing needs changing, but I don't expect any changes to be needed.
So far spotted :
plains.php ->place.php?whichplace=plains
beanstalk.php -> place.php?whichplace=beanstalk
beach.php -> place.php?whichplace=desertbeach
memories.php -> place.php?whichplace=memories (update 12580)
cyrpt.php -> crypt.php (update 12582)

Those last two were the two I heard about in /hardcore yesterday as being buggy, before Jick's trivial announcement.
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Are we up-to-date with this? If so, mark this Implemented and make new bug reports as additional things change.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say yes. We can bug report if someone finds something else. Or jick makes more place changes which is also possible.