plexi pith helm peakfarming (moved from writings in progress)


I wrote (and tested) this script to be used by a peakfarming multi with a plexiglass pith helmet. A nifty side effect of the pith helmet is the huge amount of MP it generates. In fact, it generates enough MP that you don't need to actually use buffbots at any point.

The character in question who does the farming is called muckraker (#554915).
He is a muscle sign character, and grows knoll mushrooms daily.
He uses the pith helm's MP to pay for ode to booze, and miscellaneous buffs
(polka, aptitude, aria, leash, empathy).
I don't use phat loot, as I value aptitude's consistent stat gains over phat
loots relatively minor gains. This could be easily changed, if you want.
Also, I swop and change between polka of plenty and ode to booze.
All other MP is used to charge up aria, aptitude, leash and empathy, whichever
is lowest.
Some portions of this code were borrowed and modified from someone else's
IcyPeak.ash script, I think it belonged to 'efilnikufecin', but I could be wrong.
Anyone else planning to use this would likely have to modify this
somewhat, as I make many assumptions about equipment, etc.
* Plexiglass Pith Helmet!
* muscle sign.
* Accordion Thief.
* AT skills acquired: Ode, Polka, Aptitude, and Ur-Kels.
* Empathy and Leash also acquired.
* stomach of steel.
* two custom outfits : normal, Nightdress
'normal' for peakfarming (includes the pith helmet)
'Nightdress' for rollover (includes time outfit, INW, TP meatcar, etc).
* TPS in current possession.
* sufficient supplies of bat wing chow mein, grapefruit schnapps,
cherries, sangrias,twinkly wads, and milk of magnesium.
* (clockwork) bartender installed at campsite.
* level 15 or above, so yetis can't hit you.
* build more robust TPS drinking handler, with bartender checks.
* build in checks for food/booze levels, with restocking capability.
* build in check for knob goblin effects, with rebuffing capability.
including wearing the outfit (buy it if necessary?), and buying the
spray/potion if necessary.

I hope this helps someone other than just me!
If anyone wants to point out inefficiencies, points of possible failure, or just general improvements, or even if they want me to modify this for a character with a similar equipment layout, feel free to do so...

