Feature - Implemented Please make hotdog stand speakeasy consistent with other consumables in log


When we eat at the hotdog stand or drink from the speakeasy the format of the logged message is slightly different in the log. And it would be useful to have them in the same format so you can use the same parsing rule.

For example:
eat sleeping dog
You gain 9 Adventures
You gain 2 Fullness
You learned a new skill: Dog Tired

eat 1 fortune cookie
You gain 1 Adventure
You gain 1 Fullness
Lucky numbers: 11, 125, 175

If you notice we don't specify the number of sleeping dogs we are eating, because since its through the stand you can only eat 1 at a time, this happens with drinks too:

drink Sockdollager
You gain 9 Adventures
You gain 5 Strengthliness
You gain 5 Enchantedness
You gain a Mysticality point!
You gain 5 Chutzpah
You acquire an effect: In a Lather (duration: 25 Adventures)
You gain 2 Drunkenness
You lose some of an effect: Ode to Booze
You lose 500 Meat

drink 1 Agitated Turkey
You gain 7 Adventures
You gain 18 Beefiness
You gain 16 Magicalness
You gain 12 Chutzpah
You gain a Moxie point!
You acquire an effect: Turkey-Agitated (duration: 25 Adventures)
You gain 1 Drunkenness
You lose an effect: Ode to Booze

While its not a huge deal it makes the parsing inconsistent. Usually I would just code around it, but don't have the source code for the parser found in the AscensionLogViewer 3.7.1



Identified the lines that are producing these log messages:

ClanLoungeRequest.java @ line 2060
message = "eat " + hotdog; //Old line
message = "eat 1 " + hotdog; // Suggested New line

ClanLoungeRequest.java @ line 2108
message = "drink " + speakeasyDrink; //Old line
message = "drink 1 " + speakeasyDrink; //Suggested New line

Still trying to figure out SVN or I would have attempted the change myself.
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