Bug - Fixed Placing punchcard in Dwarf Contraption should remove from inventory


As I have been working towards getting the dwarvish war outfit and prepping for my next ascention I have noticed that the Common Stuff You Didn't Do section only seems to prompt to "[SIZE=-1]acquire dwarvish war outfit piece" if you have already gotten it, which seems a bit backwards.

Also, there was, for a short time at least, notification on getting your balloon from the NS puzzles, which I no longer see. Though, perhaps that should be logged separately.
Huh. We only say "acquire dwarvish war outfit piece" if you have a dwarvish punchcard in inventory. Since the punchcard is removed from inventory when you gain the outfit piece, having one in inventory is a sure sign that you have NOT gotten an outfit piece yet.

Perhaps the we fail to remove it from inventory, which would make the bug in the DwarfContraptionRequest.
*looks* Yup. I don't see any code for removing the punchcard when "action=dorightpanel".
I'm going to change the title of this thread to reflect the real issue.

Regarding the balloon - we have never tracked whether you get the balloon or not. We'd have to track it in order to remind you to get it, since simply having it in inventory doesn't mean you got it this ascension. I don't recall there ever being "notification on getting your balloon from the NS puzzles", but if there was, I'm not surprised it was removed, since, as I said, it could not have been accurate.

That would be a different Feature Request - which I would support, since I like to get the balloon and sometimes forget to do so.
Revision 9612 removes the punchcard from inventory when you successfully feed it into the contraption.
Revision 9613 notices when you get an easter egg balloon and reminds you at the gash if you didn't do that.
Curious, as I have a few of these left to run through... as part of your change to the dwarven punchcard did you make it check some other condition to see if you'd forgotten your dwarven item in the bin?

~ Nifft