Feature - Implemented Pick pumpkins


It would be useful to have a cli/ash command to pick pumpkins. Picking pumpkins should probably also be included in the breakfast options.

Picking pumpkins is done with campground.php?action=garden
CLI, maybe. Why ASH? What would be different between

visit_url( "campgroud.php?action=garden" )

and (for example)



The return value is going to be worthless, surely?
The variable name (and probably the various interface text) should refer to the garden rather than pumpkins, since in a year or so there will be another IotM that can replace pumpkins in that slot.
A boolean for success, or an int if you can pick several at once?

Surely that information is irrelevant. Why would you care about success or fail and why would an int return ever be preferable to item_amount()?

I should stress, by worthless, I don't mean meaningless. Just worth nothing.
There might be some value in the command having and option to *look* at the patch (to see what kind of seeds is currently planted, and how many have sprouted already).
That could just as easily be part of get_campground() though, right?

I much prefer that idea to the alternative suggestion.

Naturally if a new item did something drastically different (where an integer value wasn't appropriate) then it may need to change, but for pumpkins that would give the information being discussed.

I'm still unconvinced by its necessity. Is there any advantage to letting more pumpkins pop up before picking them?
That could just as easily be part of get_campground() though, right?
Isn't it already?

> ashq foreach i,n in get_campground() print( i + " (" + n + ")" );

Certificate of Participation (1)
Dramatic™ range (1)
Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House (TM) (1)
Loudmouth Larry Lamprey (1)
Meat maid (1)
Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kit (1)
blue plasma ball (1)
chef-in-the-box (1)
pagoda plans (1)
pumpkin (3)
ASH: int[item]garden() - Tells you how much you have of what in your garden
CLI equivalent: garden

ASH: int[item]harvest() - Tells you what you just picked from your garden
CLI equivalent: harvest
also part of Daily deeds and/or breakfast

However, this does have a spading issue at the moment, seeing if there's an advantage to not harvesting until you have a full patch. This could reveal the hidden item 4762. as the numbers go from pumpkin (4761) to pumpkin pie (4763).

Edit: Oh while we're on the subject, harvesting should also be a pre-ascension check, since it gets reset when you ascend.

Edit 2: And there it is, the huge pumpkin! IT'S HUGE! Don't know what to do with it yet... This would encourage making it a Daily Deed rather than a part of breakfast, like the Crimbo Tree. I can let you know how many pumpkins are ready for picking or if you have a huge pumpkin. Next question: Does having an overfull patch do anything? Rotten pumpkins for example?
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Revision 8766 adds the "garden" command. WIth no parameters, it tells you what is currently growing. "garden pick" harvests what is there. And we automatically harvest the garden before jumping through the gash, if there is anything there to pick.
Revision 8772 adds a bit of support for the ginormous pumpkin. I'm missing some data to fully support it yet, and there's an issue with it that I haven't figured out, yet, but it's a start.

- What is the .gif file name when it is growing in your pumpkin patch?
- If you have it as a dwelling, it is housing type #10. So far, we've added the item you use to make a particular dwelling to the campground data structure to indicate you have that dwelling type - but I assume you can have both a ginormous pumpkin in your garden and a pumpkin house. What to do?
- How much HP/MP do you recover from a pumpkin house?

And, used to be, dwelling #X is better than dwelling #Y iff X > Y - but now, with gingerbread, bricko, pumpkin being added at the end of the list, that's not necessarily true. We prompt you if you are about to replace a dwelling with a worse one, and don't prompt you if you are replacing a dwelling with a better one - which is just what you (I, at least) want, if I replace a newbiesport tent with a barskin tent or the Frobozz house. But is a pumpkin house better than a BRICKO pyramid, or vice versa, or is it situational? When to warn needs to be revisited.
While complicated, get_campground() could be changed to return something a bit more verbose, that gave information on both location (dwelling, surrounding, garden) & quantity. While this would break some existing scripts, it would also allow for much more complicated possibilities in the future. Of course, if TPTB had just made it so that you had to do something to the g. pumpkin to turn it into a dwelling, this wouldn't be an issue. Still, it may be worth it, as I'm a big fan of expanding information & possibilities when one is forced to change anyway.

Or, you could just remove the dwelling from get_campground(), and add get_dwelling(). This would probably be less-harmful of a "break" to existing scripts; they'd just think you had nothing. Also, this would allow for $item[none] rather than $item[big rock] for having no dwelling, which seems a bit less "hacky." (No offense intended.)