Bug - Not A Bug Personal script not running certain commands from SCRIPT button

Hey, gang. I hope all is well with everyone. I am having an issue with the SCRIPT button not performing the entire script. Below is the script I wrote, and the issue I am having is that is not running the first three items. I have the jump on the enemy, but it skips right to Disco Concentration, ignoring Steal and Rave Steal. If I click on the Steal Button, or use the Disco Combo helper for Rave Steal, then I can steal properly. Am I missing something in my script?

[ default ]
try to steal an item
try to steal an item
combo Rave Steal
combo Disco Concentration
attack with weapon
Hey, gang. I hope all is well with everyone. I am having an issue with the SCRIPT button not performing the entire script. Below is the script I wrote, and the issue I am having is that is not running the first three items. I have the jump on the enemy, but it skips right to Disco Concentration, ignoring Steal and Rave Steal. If I click on the Steal Button, or use the Disco Combo helper for Rave Steal, then I can steal properly. Am I missing something in my script?

[ default ]
try to steal an item
try to steal an item
combo Rave Steal
combo Disco Concentration
attack with weapon

If I remember correctly Rave Steal only works a certain # of times each day
Depends on where you're trying to steal. The normal 'special' command only works if the monster is known to drop something and that it isn't guaranteed through +item drop. To force a pickpocket regardless, do "pickpocket" instead (with the quotes) and that will force it to try to steal even if it thinks that it's useless.

And yes, rave steal only works 30 times per day now.
"Pickpocket" totally works. I never even knew that was an option. Thanks! I also had no idea that Rave Steal was limited. I also have no idea where my legs are. Has anyone seen them? ;)