//////////Cheffy Automated Script//////////
import eatdrink1.ash;
import zlib.ash
import puttyfarm.ash
int val = to_int(get_property("valueOfAdventure"));//Recalling valueOfAdventure
int numcount = 0;
int botsc = 0;//Initial Casts of Hobo AT BUffs
int numbrt = have_effect($effect[The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder]);
int numcc = have_effect($effect[Chorale of Companionship]);
int castsbrt = (((300 - numbrt)/20) + 1);//Number of Casts of BRT by Buffer to get 300 turns
int castscc = (((300 - numcc)/20) + 1);//Number of Casts of CC by Buffer to get 300 turns
int waittime = 45;//Time to wait for Buffer's Buffs
//////////Breakfast Meat Commands//////////
if(my_meat() > 0 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 0)
int meatinitial = my_closet_meat();
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;
//////////Acquire Ode to Booze from Buff Bots//////////
if(my_inebriety() < 19 && have_effect($effect[Ode to Booze]) < 1 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 1)
{cli_execute ("csend 1 meat to kolabuff; csend 1 meat to Testudinata");
repeat {wait(5); refresh_status();}
until (have_effect($effect[Ode to Booze]) > 1);
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
//////////Daily Food, Booze, and Remaining Spleen Consumption//////////
foreach it in $items[cold wad, hot wad, spooky wad, sleaze wad]
if(item_amount(it) > 0 && my_spleen_use() < 15 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 2)
{repeat { use(1, it);}
until (item_amount(it) == 0 || my_spleen_use() == 15);
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
foreach it in $items[cold wad, hot wad, spooky wad, sleaze wad]
if(item_amount(it) == 0 && my_spleen_use() < 15 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 3)
{repeat { use(1, $item[twinkly wad]);}
until (my_spleen_use() == 15);
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
if(my_inebriety() < 19 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 4)
{eatdrink(fullness_limit(),inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), false,val,0,0,0,false);
cli_execute ("uneffect ode");
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
//////////Gearing Up for Daily Adventuring//////////
if(get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 5)
{cli_execute ("maximize meat drop");
cli_execute ("familiar stocking mimic");
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
//////////Shrug Unnecessary Buffs for Farming//////////
if(get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 6)
{cli_execute ("shrug On the Trail");
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
//////////Visit Clan Pool Table, 30 Turns of Billiards Belligerance//////////
//////////Visit Post War Island Arena, 20 Turns of Winklered//////////
//////////Visit Friars, 20 Turns of Brother Smothers's Blessing "Booze"//////////
//////////Summon Demon for 30 Turns of Preternatural Greed//////////
if(!to_boolean(get_property("demonSummoned")) && get_property("demonName2") != "") cli_execute("summon 2");
//////////Acquire Optimum AT, Sauceror, and TT Buffs from Buff Bots//////////
if(have_effect($effect[Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation]) < 300 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 7)
cli_execute ("csend 19 meat to IocaineBot; csend 22 meat to kolabuff");
if(have_effect($effect[The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder]) < 300 && have_effect($effect[Chorale of Companionship]) < 300 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 7)
{while (castsbrt > 0)
{cli_execute("csend 2504 meat to Buffer of the seal clubbers");
castsbrt = castsbrt - 1;}
while (castscc > 0)
{cli_execute("csend 2501 meat to Buffer of the seal clubbers");
castscc = castscc - 1;}
if(get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 7)
{if(have_effect($effect[The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder]) < 300)
{cli_execute("csend 2504 meat to Buffer of the seal clubbers");
until (have_effect($effect[The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder]) > 300);
if(have_effect($effect[Chorale of Companionship]) < 300 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 7)
{cli_execute("csend 2501 meat to Buffer of the seal clubbers");
until (have_effect($effect[Chorale of Companionship]) > 300);
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
if(have_effect($effect[Jalapeño Saucesphere]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 3 meat to Testudinata; csend 4 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Jabañero Saucesphere]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 12 meat to IocaineBot;");
if(have_effect($effect[Astral Shell]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 4 meat to Testudinata; csend 10 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Ghostly Shell]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 6 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Elemental Saucesphere]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 5 meat to Testudinata; csend 11 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Empathy]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 8 meat to Testudinata; csend 15 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Tenacity of the Snapper]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 9 meat to Testudinata; csend 8 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Reptilian Fortitude]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 13 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Scarysauce]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 12 meat to Testudinata; csend 16 meat to kolabuff");
use_skill(1, $skill[Vent Rage Gland]);
if (my_mp() <= 20)
{cli_execute ("Nuns"); refresh_status();}
//////////Send Remaining Meat to Closet//////////
if (my_meat() > 0 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 8)
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
//////////Declare Initial Amount of Adventures after Breakfast//////////
int startadv = my_adventures();
//////////Cheffy Adventuring//////////
if(get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 9)
{cli_execute ("ccs cheffy");
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
if(get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 10)
{cli_execute ("ccs cheffy");
adventure(15, $location[McMillicancuddy's Farm]);
cli_execute ("uneffect On the Trail; ccs cheffy");
adventure(my_adventures(), $location[Giant's Castle]);
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
//////////Acquire Optimum AT, Sauceror, and TT Buffs from Buff Bots #2//////////
if(get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 11)
cli_execute ("shrug cantata");
if(have_effect($effect[Ode to Booze]) < 1)
cli_execute ("csend 1 meat to kolabuff; csend 1 meat to Testudinata");
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
if(have_effect($effect[Jalapeño Saucesphere]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 3 meat to Testudinata; csend 4 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Jabañero Saucesphere]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 12 meat to IocaineBot;");
if(have_effect($effect[Astral Shell]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 4 meat to Testudinata; csend 10 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Ghostly Shell]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 6 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Elemental Saucesphere]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 5 meat to Testudinata; csend 11 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Empathy]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 8 meat to Testudinata; csend 15 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Tenacity of the Snapper]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 9 meat to Testudinata; csend 8 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Reptilian Fortitude]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 13 meat to IocaineBot");
if(have_effect($effect[Scarysauce]) < 300)
cli_execute ("csend 12 meat to Testudinata; csend 16 meat to kolabuff");
//////////Consumption for Rollover//////////
if(have_effect($effect[Ode to Booze]) < 1 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 12)
{repeat {wait(5); refresh_status();}
until (have_effect($effect[Ode to Booze]) > 1);
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
if(my_inebriety() <= 19 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 13)
{eatdrink(fullness_limit(), inebriety_limit(), spleen_limit(), true,val,0,0,0,false);
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
//////////Casting Love Song and Finishing Visit to Nuns//////////
if(get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 14)
{if (my_mp() >= mp_cost($skill[love song]))
repeat{use_skill($skill[love song]); refresh_status();}
until (my_mp() <= mp_cost($skill[love song]));
if (mp_cost($skill[love song]) <= 550)
{cli_execute ("Nuns"); refresh_status();}
if (my_mp() >= mp_cost($skill[love song]))
repeat{use_skill($skill[love song]); refresh_status();}
until (my_mp() <= mp_cost($skill[love song]));
if (mp_cost($skill[love song]) <= 550)
{cli_execute ("Nuns"); refresh_status();}
if (my_mp() >= mp_cost($skill[love song]))
repeat{use_skill($skill[love song]); refresh_status();}
until (my_mp() <= mp_cost($skill[love song]));
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
//////////Gearing Up for Rollover//////////
if(get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 15)
{cli_execute ("maximize adv");
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
//////////Cheffy Daily Item Handling//////////
cli_execute("refresh inv");
//////////Use Stuffed Treasure Chests and Keys//////////
while(item_amount($item[stuffed treasure chest]) >= 1 && item_amount($item[stuffed key]) >= 1)
{use(1, $item[stuffed treasure chest]);}
//////////Place Stuffed Items into DC//////////
for i from 1974 to 2018
if (item_amount(to_item(i)) > 0) put_display(item_amount(to_item(i)),to_item(i));
if (item_amount($item[stuffed Meat]) > 0) put_display(item_amount($item[stuffed Meat]),$item[stuffed Meat]);
for i from 3951 to 3962
if (item_amount(to_item(i)) > 0) put_display(item_amount(to_item(i)),to_item(i));
//////////Create and Use Duct Tape Wallets//////////
foreach it in $items[duct tape]
if(item_amount(it) >= 4)
repeat {
create(1, $item[duct tape wallet]);
use(item_amount($item[duct tape wallet]), $item[duct tape wallet]); }
until (item_amount(it) <= 3);
//////////Use All Warm Subject Gift Certificates//////////
foreach it in $items[Warm Subject gift certificate]
if(item_amount(it) >= 1) use(item_amount(it), it);
//////////Autosell Castle Items//////////
foreach it in $items[awful poetry journal, Angry Farmer candy, chaos butterfly, furry fur, heavy D, original G, Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub, plot hole, probability potion, procrastination potion, thin black candle]
if(item_amount(it) > 0) autosell(item_amount(it), it);
//////////Send Items to Wadbot to Smash//////////
foreach it in $items[giant needle, wolf mask, disturbing fanfic, rave whistle, titanium assault umbrella]
if(item_amount(it) > 1) {
int[item] goodies;
goodies [it] = item_amount(it) - 1;
kmail("wadbot", "wads", 0, goodies);
foreach it in $items[twinkly nugget, twinkly powder, cold powder, hot powder, sleaze powder, spooky powder, stench powder, cold nugget, hot nugget, sleaze nugget, spooky nugget, stench nugget]
if(item_amount(it) >= 5)
{int[item] goodies;
goodies [it] = 5;
kmail("wadbot", "wads", 0, goodies);}
until ((item_amount(it)) <= 4);
//////////Mallsell Skill and Other Misc Items//////////
foreach it in $items[marzipan skull, Tasty Fun Good rice candy, Yummy Tummy bean, love song of smoldering passion, love song of icy revenge, love song of disturbing obsession, love song of vague ambiguity, love song of naughty innuendo, love song of sugary cuteness, scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker, scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker, scratch 'n' sniff rock band sticker, scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker, scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker, scratch 'n' sniff unicorn sticker, little sump'm sump'm, calle de miel, ducha de oro, fuzzbump, horizontal tango , ocean motion, perpendicular hula, pink pony, rockin' wagon, roll in the hay, slap and tickle, slip 'n' slide, fetid feather, flaming feather, flirtatious feather, frozen feather, frightful feather, disassembled clover]
if(item_amount(it) > 0) put_shop(0, 0, it);
if(item_amount($item[scrumptious reagent]) > 0)
put_shop( 1080, 1, $item[scrumptious reagent] );
if(item_amount($item[dry noodles]) > 0)
put_shop( 750, 1, $item[dry noodles] );
if(item_amount($item[magical ice cubes]) > 0)
put_shop( 1050, 1, $item[magical ice cubes] );
if(item_amount($item[coconut shell]) > 0)
put_shop( 930, 1, $item[coconut shell] );
if(item_amount($item[little paper umbrella]) > 0)
put_shop( 850, 1, $item[little paper umbrella] );
//////////Crimbo 2009 Advent//////////
foreach it in $items[candy kneecapping stick, candy knuckles, jawbruiser, licorice garrote]
if(item_amount(it) > 0) put_closet(item_amount(it), it);
//////////Undercut Mall Prices/////////
cli_execute ("undercut");
//////////Place Meat and Twinkly Wads in Closet//////////
if (my_meat() > 0 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 16)
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
if(item_amount($item[twinkly wad]) > 30 && get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 17)
{put_closet(item_amount($item[twinkly wad])-30, $item[twinkly wad]);
set_property("dailycounter", numcount + 1);
numcount = numcount + 1;}
//////////Rollover Variable Set//////////
int meatgain = to_int(my_closet_meat() - meatinitial);
int advused = to_int(startadv);
int meatper = to_int(meatgain / startadv);
int meatcloset = to_int(my_closet_meat());
if (val < meatper)
//////////Cheffy Session Log Print//////////
logprint("Meat gained: " + meatgain);
logprint("Adventures Used: " + advused);
logprint("Meat Per Adventure: " + meatper);
logprint("Meat in Closet: " + meatcloset);
//////////Cheffy Logout//////////
if(get_property("_dailycounter").to_int() == 17)