New Content Perpetrate Mild Evil


Staff member
This skill is [mostly] done.

As far as I can tell, the pref "_mildEvilPerpetrated" gets set from consequences.txt:
COMBAT_SKILL    Perpetrate Mild Evil    Perpetrate Mild Evil \((\d+) uses? left today\)    _mildEvilPerpetrated=[3-$1]

However, if you use the skill twice, and _mildEvilPerpetrated==2, using the skill again will remove it from the skill list, so you never see '0 uses left today', so it never gets set to _mildEvilPerpetrated = 3
It seems like it's tracked by mafia in combat, but not always. The property was updated only once out of the three uses for me:
Round 16: Zdrvst casts PERPETRATE MILD EVIL!
Round 17: shadow slab takes 4 damage.
You acquire an item: shadow brick
Round 17: Zdrvst casts PERPETRATE MILD EVIL!
You acquire an item: shadow brick
Preference _mildEvilPerpetrated changed from 0 to 1
Round 18: Zdrvst casts PERPETRATE MILD EVIL!
Round 19: shadow slab takes 4 damage.
You acquire an item: shadow brick
One change accompanying the introduction of the skill is that evil noodles, evil paper umbrellas, and nauseating reagents are no longer untradeable quest items, so their items.txt entries will need to be updated.
this is what is being checked right now for messages, so if we're missing some please let me know and I'll adjust this

      case SkillPool.PERPETRATE_MILD_EVIL:
        if (
        // Spookypocket
        responseText.contains("drop something")
            || responseText.contains("drop an item")
            // no items
            responseText.contains("even mildly evil")
            || skillSuccess) {
          skillSuccess = true;

debug logs for combats that don't track correctly would be real helpful.