Feature - Implemented [patches] Remove more unused imports

It's not the most exciting change, but... here it is.

Generated from r9998 source, using the command-line diff tool, on Mac OS X 10.5.8 "Leopard".

I found a bunch of imports that, according to Eclipse, aren't used by anything. This pair of patches removes them.


Staff member
Just FYI, the patch file doesn't work for me because /Users/wrldwzrd89/Projects/Eclipse/KoLmafia/kolmafia is not C:\KoLmafia which are the respective containers for our src and lib directories. My solution is to be one level above src (and lib) when I generate the patch file.

After r10000 exists we can revisit, although I will note Netbeans will automagically delete the unused imports if I ask it to ;-)
Just FYI, the patch file doesn't work for me because /Users/wrldwzrd89/Projects/Eclipse/KoLmafia/kolmafia is not C:\KoLmafia which are the respective containers for our src and lib directories. My solution is to be one level above src (and lib) when I generate the patch file.

After r10000 exists we can revisit, although I will note Netbeans will automagically delete the unused imports if I ask it to ;-)
Thanks. Newbie mistake, didn't realize you need to change directories first. Will remember for next time :)