Bug - Not A Bug Password Hash Mismatch: Strange behavior


I have a feeling this is tied to this bug report and the server stuff, but I'll post another, since my issue wasn't reported in that thread.

In attempting to get a bounty for today, I go to the BHH, and when I click on the bounty I'd like, the main pane of the Relay browser goes white. Checking the CLI, I see:
Password hash mismatch
Path: "/bhh.php"

I scrolled up in my CLI, and saw this a few other times as well, after trying a /who in chat. I was able to get a bounty after a few tries, but after abandoning it, I can't seem to get a new one. Mafia appears to also be relogging me in for some reason, or at least giving me:
Validating login server (www.kingdomofloathing.com)...
524 players online.
Sending login request...
Synchronizing moon data...
Requests complete.
