Outfits and slots


Staff member
I suspect this is related to recent changes and should be merged somewhere but I'm not sure where it should be merged and it may be lead to a FR rather than a Bug so....


My only +adv gear is a time halo. I run the maximizer, implement the suggestions and save the result as a custom outfit pajamas. (What a strikingly original name, eh?) The maximizer and the outfit at the time of saving correctly have the weapon slots empty. I then put on an adventuring outfit with a weapon. I then put on pajamas and the weapon slot remains used, thus negating my meager +adv from the time halo.

I think in general the idea that slots that are unfilled in an outfit result in the previous equipment being equipped but we probably need a special case for things like the halos and Surprising fists. My first idea is to implement a piece of virtual equipment, EMPTY, and if an outfit contains EMPTY then it will unconditionally unequip the slot.

Bottom line, however, is that when I equip the time halo before bedtime, I don't want a weapon equipped.

Are you aware that you can have two non-overlapping outfits, equip one, equip the other, and you end up with both of them worn? That is how KoL itself operates - and is probably the explanation for why it does not un-equip slots that are not specified in an outfit.
Yeah... if you don't care about what's in the slot but want them blank, just remember to switch to the birthday suit outfit first...
This feels like a change to me but I won't get in a discussion where the only proof I have is my memory. We know how often that is right ;-)

So in the interest of saving server hits (getting naked before dressing to kill) should there be a FR for a piece of pseudo-equipment EMPTY, as noted above?
I don't think it would save a server hit, since you would have to remove the item anyways. As Veracity said, this is how KoL deals with empty slots in outfits.
Jick has suggested making that a thing that KoL provides. I'm guessing it was low priority at the time, and he has probably forgotten already.
I don't think it would save a server hit, since you would have to remove the item anyways. As Veracity said, this is how KoL deals with empty slots in outfits.

But if I change to the Birthday Suit and then put on an outfit isn't that at least two hits? (Not sure, that's why I am asking). I know my outfits have a lot of irrelevant equipment that is there as a side effect of what the Maximizer suggests.
Unequipping unwanted items after putting on your outfit is 1 server hit per slot. Unequipping everything before putting on the outfit you want is 1 server hit total.
This feels like a change to me
What feels like a change to you?

When you tell KoL to put on an outfit which does not include an item in every slot, KoL has never ever removed items in unspecified slots. That is the way KoL has always worked, and KoLmafia has never ever had any code to make outfits behave any differently; KoLmafia commands to put on outfits have always passed right on through to KoL requests.

There have probably been a dozen threads based on that behavior, including old-style bug reports and new-style bug reports and discussions in other sub-fora. I'm tempted to search bugs and see how many I can find.

I have no idea what "feels like a change" to you, but in the words of Jick: Nothing has changed.