Oudated: Display case: putting 11 items at a time.

If there is actually anyone else out there like me (I collect everything) this little scriplet may be usefull to them.

Use the function:
void ItemAdd(item toAdd, int QuantToSave)
to add items to the list.
QuantToSave is the amount to keep in inventory, and not the amount to put in your DC. The functions do the calculating for you 1 time rather than you having to write out the calculations each time.

Use the function:
to put all the items in your DC once you have built the list.


Re: Display case: putting 11 items at a time.

I was about to work on something like this myself...

I have plans to improve my MuseumStockUp script to make things smoother and more server friendly.

My script needs more work than this because I will create 3 lists. 1 for the Display Case, 1 for the Closet, and 1 for the Store.

But I think this will at least get me going in the right direction.

Thanks efilnikufecin! :D
Re: Display case: putting 11 items at a time.

I want to use built in kolmafia functions instead of generating the url, but I don't know if the cli version of the display case commands accept multiple items or not.

I just tested the functions for the first time using the attached script which I did a quick modification to.

It worked great!


Re: Display case: putting 11 items at a time.

Looks like I never documented the display case command.  Oops.  The commands are "display put" and "display take" and accept lists of items.  KoLmafia will automatically split up requests as needed, so you can construct as long a list as you want.
Re: Display case: putting 11 items at a time.

I will begin editing my methods soon to better make use of kolmafia's built in features. This also eliminates the need for a 2 dimensional data map. That need was eliminated anyway by the release of 7.9, but the script was originally written for version 7.8 which lacked the key feature which gave the count of items in a data map. Thanks for the clarification!
Re: Display case: putting 11 items at a time.

[quote author=holatuwol link=topic=188.msg1057#msg1057 date=1150049899]
Looks like I never documented the display case command. Oops. The commands are "display put" and "display take" and accept lists of items. KoLmafia will automatically split up requests as needed, so you can construct as long a list as you want.

Is there a way to create lists with ASH? Or a way to designate the amount to put into the display case per item in the CLI?

I will be working on doing it the "old fashioned way," so if not, it isn't a big deal. I am curious.