Feature Orc Chasm helper


Active member
When you get a fastner or lumber from the Smut Orc camp, it gives you a handy link to the chasm so you can slap your materials down and build more. However, this is a lot of clicks if you don't keep a perfect running count in your head of how much wood and sticky stuff you have on your hands. I'd like to request a new kind of link to sums up your pieces so you know how much of the bridge you can actually build, similar to the 8-bit Realm assist for white pixels. That way we can kcams some smut orcs until we have enough to make our bridge.

The bridge from the abridged dictionary and any keepsake boxes should probably be noted as well. Just saying ^^
The bridge from the abridged dictionary and any keepsake boxes should probably be noted as well. Just saying ^^

Plus your current progress in the chasm to know how many more you need? Now it's getting a bit verbose.

With fax/arrowing a pervert, and in SC the option of using pulls, I so rarely adventure in that area (once per year for a HC avatar tattoo) that it's not something I'm likely to think about when it comes up for me.
Related bug/feature request: When you use a smut orc keepsake box, there are often plural items. None of the plurals get a link to the chasm. It would be good if the plural forms were lined as well.
Plus your current progress in the chasm to know how many more you need? Now it's getting a bit verbose.
Sorry, I tried being brief, but what I meant is if you have a box, that's 5 pieces of each guaranteed. The bridge is 12 each guaranteed up to 15. So if you just beat a smut orc pervert, your bridge is up to 17/30, you have 5 pieces of wood and 4 fasteners, it would show a link to the bridge with information like
You obtain an item: smut orc keepsake box [26 bridge]
Just like how the 8-bit will tell you [X white] after you get a blue pixel.
Related bug/feature request: When you use a smut orc keepsake box, there are often plural items. None of the plurals get a link to the chasm. It would be good if the plural forms were lined as well.
That's something I never bothered to look into since there's a high probability of having at least 1 singular item drop from the box.

Sorry, I tried being brief, but what I meant is if you have a box, that's 5 pieces of each guaranteed. The bridge is 12 each guaranteed up to 15. So if you just beat a smut orc pervert, your bridge is up to 17/30, you have 5 pieces of wood and 4 fasteners, it would show a link to the bridge with information like
You obtain an item: smut orc keepsake box [26 bridge]
Just like how the 8-bit will tell you [X white] after you get a blue pixel.

Unless it specifically lists the boxes, someone is going to wonder why the number is higher than their actual bridge progress when they haven't used a box. And [22-25 bridge] with a bridge and some boxes isn't the clearest thing.
Unless it specifically lists the boxes, someone is going to wonder why the number is higher than their actual bridge progress when they haven't used a box.
Query: Would it be reasonable to use a box if you don't have enough when you click the helper link? Cause, honestly, I've always wondered why the relay helper didn't just jump to making the digital key. Design decision or oversight?
And [22-25 bridge] with a bridge and some boxes isn't the clearest thing.
Yeah, that was kind of iffy. I was thinking at least the information could be provided. Like [10 bridge + priate bridge] or something. Basically tossing ideas.
Query: Would it be reasonable to use a box if you don't have enough when you click the helper link?
I feel like someone would complain about missing out on the mall value of them or something.

Cause, honestly, I've always wondered why the relay helper didn't just jump to making the digital key.

Someone might need to make red pixel potions, for one thing.
Someone might need to make red pixel potions, for one thing.

On lazy manual runs, I tend to make 6 red pixel potions while farming for white pixels. When I'm REALLY being lazy, I also farm up monster bait for the beach. Automatically making the white pixels for the digital key would make these much more painful rather than using the spare pixels after my other goals...
You know, I'm thinking there's another problem here. I could make a relay override, but it'd be for fight.ash. Considering I use BatMan_RE, that's not very feasible unless there was a way to make multiple files to override the same page.
Rename the Batman fight.ash to, say batman_fight.ash, then name your other one something like chasm_fight.ash

Then you can have a fight.ash like
import <batman_fight.ash>;
import <chasm_fight.ash>;

void main()
Huh. Well that's a workaround I never thought of. Of which I never thought. That can open a whole slew of possibilities. I guess this will lead to the next question, though I think I know the answer: Do the overrides work on the raw HTML from KoL or do they have mafia's helper links factored in as well? For example, can I have my helper script search for the [chasm] link?
Related bug/feature request: When you use a smut orc keepsake box, there are often plural items. None of the plurals get a link to the chasm. It would be good if the plural forms were lined as well.

BatMan RE already displays your current bridge progress in the Adventure Again box. If you set goals of +X any plank (X | 30 - progress), you can pretty much always know all the information you're asking for. I think I will add a link to use a keepsake box if you have one. If there's more information you'd like it to display there, I could certainly manage that but you should probably make the request in the BatMan RE thread.

@Alhifar: Your solution would be likely to get munged when BatMan RE updates.