Feature Opt out of colored text


Staff member
Provide a means by which a visually impaired user can run mafia in black and white plus shades of gray. This would apply to all text, except text generated by print statements in ash scripts, but not the reg/green/gray of the character status panel.


Active member
plus shades of gray

Opinion: if you can't consult someone who has experience with designing around vision issues (not just the visually impaired - the human sight has many gotchas that might not be apparent to somebody just quickly looking over the GUI), you might want to consider providing a version of the GUI that's *only* black and white. That's probably the version closest to "everyone sees the same thing".


I'm going to start making a list of files that use color, and I guess suggest names for elements.

I myself don't know how to implement .css in Javaboxes, so I don't think I should just start changing stuff and making a diff.