Feature - Implemented Opera mask security feature requested


This is low priority and corner-case at best, but it happened to me and I don't want my own carelessness to go unchecked if possible, so I'm requesting this feature...

Other than for potential spading purposes, I can't think of any reason one would wear an opera mask for any purpose other than extending the duration of a casted AT buff. The current functionality is great, equip the mask, cast your buff, mask breaks, prior hat is equipped.

Yesterday, something undesirable occurred. To preface this, I use Universal Recovery for restoration and I prefer to keep control over nuns usage manually. I also keep mana recovery on this account disabled as my gear handles my restoration in combat just fine for my purposes.

Anyhow, I was messing around with bulk libram summons as usual, then I got distracted and forgot to visit the nuns to restore my mana. When I stopped being distracted, I equipped the opera mask in the CLI and typed cast 10 thingfinder in the CLI and the CLI dutifully obeyed me and casted what it could of buff-extended thingfinder with my currently remaining mana, then Universal Recovery kindly purchased 49 MMJs to restore mana to full and mafia casted the remaining non-buff extended thingfinder for me.

I have no problem with what happened, it all happened as it should have under the circumstances. I would merely like to have mafia make the call to recover mana before trying to cast a buff, that there is insufficient mana for (but sufficient max mana potential), when equipped with an opera mask, or simply abort saying insufficient mana to cast x, rather than waste the mask on partially available buffs and then merrily cast the remaining buffs after the mask is destroyed.

I'm honestly not sure if this can be handled elegantly or not. It's a niche corner case and I can see it being rejected, but thought it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Thanks :)

Edit: For reference, while wearing the opera mask, it is normally 280 adventures of thingfinder for 10 casts. From yesterday's session log when this happened, it was 56+160=210 turns.

equip hat filthy knitted dread sack

Visiting the Mad Tea Party
You acquire an effect: Dances with Tweedles (duration: 30 Adventures)

equip hat Hodgman's porkpie hat

remove from stash: 1 opera mask
You acquire an item: opera mask

equip hat opera mask

cast 2 The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder
You acquire an effect: The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder (duration: 56 Adventures)

equip hat Hodgman's porkpie hat
 > Pricelist updated.
 > In mallmode, best MP restorative is: magical mystery juice @ 6615.2544 meat total.
 > In mallmode, best HP restorative is: scroll of drastic healing @ 520.0 meat total.
 > Restoring MP! Currently at 2045 of 3155 HP, 41 of 3123 MP, current meat: 1160276 ... Target MP = 400.

use 1 Oscus's neverending soda
You gain 247 Mojo Points
 > In mallmode, best MP restorative is: magical mystery juice @ 4805.0845 meat total.
 > Trying to use 49 magical mystery juice

buy 49 magical mystery juice at market price from Gouda's Grimoire and Grocery
You acquire magical mystery juice (49)
You spent 4,900 Meat

use 49 magical mystery juice
You gain 2,879 Mojo Points
 > Current HP: 2045, MP: 3123
 > My meat: 1155376. Should be successfully healed...

cast 8 The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder
You acquire an effect: The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder (duration: 160 Adventures)
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In short, you want mafia to consider restoring mana before casting an AT buff (instead of after casting some of the buff) if the character is wearing an Opera Mask and is currently below max mana.

That sounds like a face saving feature.


In short, you want mafia to consider restoring mana before casting an AT buff (instead of after casting some of the buff) if the character is wearing an Opera Mask and is currently below mana required to cast buff and has sufficient max mana, else abort.

Hopefully clearer now.


r8490 will restore MP before casting a skill if you have the opera mask on, rather than using up your existing MP first.

Note that casting more times than your maximum MP allows is not automatically an error condition. However, your breakable item handling settings apply; they could be set to abort after the mask is used, or perhaps even re-equip another mask before restoring MP for the subsequent casts.


Thanks :D Tested intentionally and mana was restored prior to casting for max buffage from opera mask, nice! :D



Well perhaps I spoke too soon. Today I had plenty enough mana to cast thingfinder, in fact I'm full on mana at 4713mp and cast 10 thingfinder is yielding the following message when equipped with an opera mask:

Could not restore enough mana to cast The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder.

When I first tried this, I was at 2198 mp. While trying to figure out what the deal was, I used check mp and that restored mana to full for me. But no go.

Perhaps the protection is overprotecting. I went ahead and cast it in the relay browser and that worked.