string warplan = "optimal.txt"; // filename of your default battle plan
plan_for["Third Character's Name"] = "fastest.txt";
if (step == 2) abort("Time to finish the arena quest!");
if (item_amount($item[jam band flyers]) + item_amount($item[rock band flyers]) > 0) {
item whichflyer = $item[jam band flyers];
if (item_amount($item[rock band flyers]) == 1) whichflyer = $item[rock band flyers];
if (my_location() != $location[battlefield(frat uniform)] &&
my_location() != $location[battlefield(hippy uniform)])
[ default ]
consult flyerscheck.ash
> call scripts/Wossname.ash
Error loading battle plan.
> call scripts/warplans/optimal.txt
No available namespace with function: 0
I think I can fix this by adding the flyers to the totem in the throw-item function near the end of the gremlins combat logic. Does that seem right? If you are actually taking things for your "to do" list, you could add flyer detection here, and throw them if the user still has them.I realized the workaround I mentioned earlier is partly flawed: the gremlins combat is managed by the script, not mafia, so adding gremlins to your ccs would make no change. Yet another reason to do the gremlins manually for now.![]()
I understand that getting both is a good strategy for Wossname. In no-path hardcore, I've probably gotten the hippy suit (for garnishes), but not the frat outfit. Again, from an IsleWar turn-minimizing perspective, I'm likely to just get the Frat Warrior outfit before starting the war and use the battlefield to get the War Hippy outfit. So the current OCW logic is something that I will eventually want to think about replacing as I go down this path.And OCW gets combat outfits before beginning the war so even with the workaround you shouldn't need to get any outfits from the battlefield.
All the above is offered in this spirit. I repeat, this is a great script for its primary purpose. Kudos again!I'd be interested to hear how your efforts to do this work out, because my second priority with this script was flexibility for people to make warplans that suit them best, so it can function as a universal Islewar script.
I don't see any either.I might just make OCW always get the flyers at the very beginning of the war now, if the plan specifies (at some point) completing the arena as a fratboy. Any possible drawbacks? I'm not thinking of any yet.
~/.kolmafia/ccs/I still cannot work out where it is saving my custom combats.
We won't find them if people don't report them...The problem seemed to that different bits of Mafia use different code to work out what the Mafia working directory is and how to navigate from there with different results. I though some of these had been fixed, maybe there are some more yet to be found.
Here is what KoLmafia's code says:Under Linux, although I had in the java command to invoke Mafia -Dusr.dir=/home/me/mafia , it always used my home directory itself
public static final File HOME_LOCATION = new File( System.getProperty( "user.home" ) ).getAbsoluteFile();
public static final File ROOT_LOCATION =
UtilityConstants.USE_OSX_STYLE_DIRECTORIES ? new File(
UtilityConstants.HOME_LOCATION, "Library/Application Support/KoLmafia" ) : UtilityConstants.USE_LINUX_STYLE_DIRECTORIES ? new File(
UtilityConstants.HOME_LOCATION, ".kolmafia" ) : UtilityConstants.BASE_LOCATION;
I use OS X and run .jar files from where I build them. Near as I can tell, KoLmafia ALWAYS goes to "~/Library/Application\ Support/KoLmafia/" to get preferences, ccs files, etc. It creates no files whatsoever underneath the directory where the .jar file is. Therefore, I don't think there are any "lurking wierdness".At least some of this weirdness was fixed by subsequent releases but I was wondering if a little bit was still lurking somewhere.
When the change was made for Linux and OS X machines to store all their files underneath the new "one true root location", upgrade code was built in that moved them.I hadn't realized they where now all under .kolmafia which of course is hidden. I'd given up using the linux machine as when I updated my scripts it seemed to ignore the changes - I now realize I was updating the wrong ones! Incidentally how did all my scripts come to be in the scripts directory under .kolmafia - I didn't put them there?