One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion


Well-known member

OCW now handles the final battle for non-Wossname plans. Yay! Tested OK following the fastest-fratonly.txt plan. Including Wisniewski and/or The Man in your ccs is recommended.

@feuer: Lockenstock™ solved once and for all. I copped out and went with to_item("Lockenstock"). That ought to work for everyone.

A few other little tweaks also, viewable in changelog.

Thanks to everyone who has sent bats (or better)! It makes sharing scripts very fulfilling to know they are useful.


New member
Whenever I use i get message [swirlypotion of ettin strength] item not found in database and won't let me continue. I know that it is a dungeon of doom potion and is not always the swirly potion that is just what it says. I have latest version of script. Any ideas for fixing???


Well-known member
That's a new one. As far as I know, this script never attempts to use any bang potions. Are you using this item in your custom combat script?


New member
No i am not using it any any combat scripts.
Here's what it says in CLI
> call scripts\Wossname.ash

Checking for updates (running OCW ver. 1.3.5)...

> CURRENT: call scripts\Wossname.ash
> QUEUED: call scripts\Wossname.ash

Internal checkpoint created.
"optimal.txt" loaded (14 steps).
Verifying Wossname progress...
Current step: 0
Completing step 0 of 14...
[swirly potion of ettin strength] does not match anything in the item database.
Mood swing complete.
Warning: there was a problem equipping your chosen familiar/outfit.
Putting on War Hippy Fatigues...
Equipment changed.
Countdown: 5 seconds...
Countdown: 4 seconds...
Countdown: 3 seconds...
Countdown: 2 seconds...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Conditions list cleared.
Step 0 goal: 1 fratboys slain.

[swirly potion of ettin strength] does not match anything in the item database.

Delay between requests: 0.8 seconds
Delay added this session: 0 minutes, 0 seconds

Unable to complete step 0
Restoring initial settings...
Putting on dead guy's watch...
Equipment changed.
OCW stopped.

EDIT: OK fixed by updating from 12.2 to 12.4 of kolmafia. Sorry to waste time


Well-known member
@the_tom: Good, I like errors that aren't my fault.

1.3.6 Update: OCW now handles the meat-vortexing of the brigands. No more bothersome editing of your ccs partway through. OCW now intelligently throws the meat vortex if you have one, then hands the combat over to mafia, so your ccs will still deal with them after the vortex has been used. If you run out of meat vortices, OCW will attempt to buy more.

Users of earlier versions are encouraged/reminded to remove the brigands from their custom combat scripts, or at least the "item meat vortex" step.


I have never run this before so don't know if it is a problem with my setup ...

I cannot get new version to run
> call scripts/Wossname.ash

Checking for updates (running OCW ver. 1.3.6)...
battleAction => custom: default.ccs
Internal checkpoint created.
Error loading warplan.
Restoring initial settings...
OCW stopped.
Retrieving character data...
Requests complete.

Or the old version
Checking for updates (running OCW ver. 1.3.5)...
New version available: 1.3.6
battleAction => custom: default.ccs
Internal checkpoint created.
Error loading warplan.
Restoring initial settings...
OCW stopped.
Retrieving character data...
Requests complete.

david@minitower:~/downloads/.kolmafia/scripts$ ls -lR
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 2 david david  4096 2008-04-21 21:07 warplans
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david 35980 2008-04-03 16:00 Wossname.ash

total 24
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david  232 2008-01-24 07:49 fastest-fratonly.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david  469 2007-12-21 20:39 fastest.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david  477 2007-12-19 21:33 optimal.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david 4320 2008-01-20 09:11 Plan Maker.ash
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david   58 2007-12-21 03:10 slowest.txt

have I done something stupid?

Also is it still worth running this script as I have a Hatrack?

best regards


Well-known member
@morgad: Looks like you're running Linux...? If so, you may have to change a line in the script. Details are on the first page of this thread under "additional documentation."

For your second question, you can customize what familiar you use for various parts of the quest, but not what familiar gear you have equipped. So if you use the script as written (assuming you changed the variables at the top to your liking), you'll have the same hatrack for all of it. Although if you want a workaround, you could add this line near the top of each sidequest:

visit_url("familiar.php?action=equip&pwd&whichfam=82&whichitem="+to_int($item[name of hat]));

That will equip your chosen hat on the hatrack.



Thanks zarqon, that has fixed it.

I will have to give some thought to the best long-term Hatrack solution.
I might send a patch if I ever get something working



New member
Hey, I caught what seems to be a small error:
inside ourlady_sq(), estimated_advs() should return something like

ceil((100000 - to_float(get_property("currentNunneryMeat"))) / (1000 + (10*meat_drop_modifier())))

meat_drop_modifier() returns 140, not 1.40 when you have a 140% modifier (at least in this version of kolmafia I'm using) -- you should use 1000*meat_drop_modifier()/100. The adventure estimate is always resulting in very small numbers.


New member
Still in ourlady_sq(), the while loop conditions tests the "url" variable before it's been loaded with the page contents, and the code right after the visit_url() call dies if it doesn't contain an encounter with brigands... the result is that the function aborts when it's ended retrieving all the meat. I'd recommend you change the loop to
[pre] while(my_adventures() > 0)[/pre]
and the visit_url section to
url = visit_url("adventure.php?snarfblat=126");
if(contains_text(url,"already retrieved all") || contains_text(url,"this is the last of it!"))
else if(!contains_text(url,"dirty thieving brigand"))
die("vs. brigand combat expected but not found. Also, \""+my_name()+" and the Elusive Brigands\" would be a decent band name.");
It's not the prettiest solution, but it works ;)


Well-known member
@plurialibus: Thanks for the feedback. I've fixed the meatdrop calculation error and tried a prettier fix for the Nuns problem. And...

Major update! OCW 1.4

As a transitional step, I've added logic for automatic familiar selection. I have defined some familiar types (currently just three) in the newly included file bestfamiliars.txt. Using this file, OCW can now automatically select your heaviest familiar of a given type. For this release, OCW automatically handles the familiar for 2 (possibly three) of the sidequests:


Lighthouse, Junkyard, Arena
top priority => second priority
heaviest item-drop familiar => default
if nunspeed is true: heaviest meat-drop familiar => default
if nunspeed is false: heaviest meat-producing familiar => default
specified at top => heaviest item-drop familiar => default
specified at top => default

As you can see, the behavior for the last three is unchanged from the previous behavior. Also, right now bestfamiliars.txt only defines three types: item drop, meat drop, and meat production.

I'd like some feedback from the users of this script (just passed 300 registered users today!) before going any further with expanding bestfamiliars.txt and OCW's automation. I'm not sure what the best course is for the OCW-using community, so I'd like you to answer some questions:

1) Would you rather have completely automated familiar selection, or continue the manual specifying using a variable at the top of the script?

2) Which of these options is best?
  • heaviest X-type (like the automation above) => default
  • specified => heaviest X-type => default (bulkiest)
  • specified => default (old behavior)
  • specified type (not name) => default

Before answering those questions, keep in mind:
[*]We can define our own "types," and which familiars are included in a given type
[*]The order of preference for X-types can be editable per-person (rearranging the order of bestfamiliars.txt).
[*]Newbs often don't edit/read scripts before running them.
[*]Lists rather than single familiars allows the script to work with multiple characters without requiring an edit of the script.

Discuss. :)


I would love more of the variable things moved to the top. I can't remember a specific thing right now, but I just know that when I was preparing it for use in hardcore, there was a fair amount of altering and such so that it would play nicely.

EDIT: However, for the most part it works really nicely.


Well-known member
All of the variables I thought a user might want to change are at the top, lightly documented (with the exception of the list of tradein items, which is also mentioned at the top). If you can think of a variable that isn't at the top that should be, I'm all ears.

I've used it in hardcore, and didn't need to change anything...?


Well-known member
For future reference -- if you decide to manually finish anything, at least do it in the relay browser, or mafia will not be aware that you have completed it, and therefore neither will OCW.

To fix your current problem:

  • [li]Close mafia.[/li]
    [li]Open the file ".../KoLmafia directory/settings/yourname_prefs.txt".[/li]
    [li]Find the line that says sidequestLighthouseCompleted=none and change it to sidequestLighthouseCompleted=fratboy.[/li]
    [li]Save the changed file and restart mafia.[/li]
    [li]Everything should be golden. Like a golden, golden egg.[/li]


I'm not sure if this is being caused by some of the new server-side changes or something stupid I did, but when it runs out of turns in the middle of the hatchling chambers I get an infinite loop that locks up Mafia. It looks like this...

Edited for less infinitey-ness.

[2161] Hatching Chamber
Encounter: larval filthworm
Round 0: dangerpin loses initiative!
You lose 44 hit points
Round 1: dangerpin casts LUNGING THRUST-SMACK!
Round 2: Pigpen produces a cloud of noxious vapors, choking your opponent for 1 damage.
Round 1: larval filthworm takes 71 damage.
You lose 44 hit points
Round 2: dangerpin casts LUNGING THRUST-SMACK!
Round 2: larval filthworm takes 76 damage.
You lose 41 hit points
Round 3: dangerpin casts LUNGING THRUST-SMACK!
Round 4: Pigpen produces a cloud of noxious vapors, choking your opponent for 1 damage.
Round 4: Pigpen does a little fairy dance.
Round 3: larval filthworm takes 83 damage.
You gain 58 Meat
You acquire an item: filthworm hatchling scent gland
You gain 19 Strengthliness
You gain 12 Magicalness
You gain 11 Chutzpah

cast 2 Tongue of the Walrus
You gain 78 hit points
You gain 39 hit points
You gain 40 Muscularity Points

use 1 carbonated water lily
You gain 60 Muscularity Points

cast 1 Tongue of the Walrus
You gain 32 hit points

use 1 filthworm hatchling scent gland
You acquire an effect: Filthworm Larva Stench (duration: 10 Adventures)
 > You smell like a hatchling.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like> Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.
 > Unable to get item. Adventuring for 1 filthworm drone scent gland...
 > You smell like a drone.


Well-known member
Pigpen is an excellent name for a stinky gravy fairy!

Anyway, that is most likely a server-side subsnarfblat issue. OCW simply uses adventure(X, locationname), so something must have changed to make those locations unadventurable, yet without causing an error. Writing a temporary workaround would be more work than it's worth, given mafia's excellent history of quickly responding to server-side changes. Hopefully mafia will correctly handle these sublocations soon.

I'll take another look at it to make sure that is in fact the problem, but for now, I guess that means manually completing the filthworm sidequest.


New member
Hey all,

How come when I run the script it says:
"warplan is corrupt. I mean, the file is...

How do I go about fixing this?



[quote author=Orinks link=topic=1395.msg8422#msg8422 date=1214779354]
How come when I run the script it says:
"warplan is corrupt. I mean, the file is...

How do I go about fixing this?

Well, I would start by looking in your wossname.ash and looking for a line that looks a bit like this...

string warplan = "optimal.txt

It may not say optimal, it instead say, fastest or slowest or another variant.

Then you need to look for the referenced txt file. If it is optimal, for instance, check to make sure you have that file in the same directory. If you do, you might want to start by renaming it and unzipping a clean copy from the latest zip update. Then you can look at your renamed one and possibly grab any completed quest info out of that one chunk at a time until you find the offending section.

I hope this made sense, my brain is telling me I should have gone to bed hours ago.