Olaf the janitor

I'm new to interacting with the site via URLs, which seems to be the way everything was done in the past, and I need some help. I'm trying to start a script for the White Citadel quest but it starts when you talk to Olaf. Since CLI and ASH have no written function for that (that I noticed anyway) I want to send the URL for it. What's the proper formatting for the URL in this case? I was trying just the guild?place=paco and then the full URL but in the full URL you need to know which server you are on and that will make this script too specific.
Just punch
into a CLI command, using cli_execute() if in ASH or visit_url() if in ASH. (Note that visit_url() will return the HTML as a string so if you want to do a couple of checks, such as making sure you opened the quest, then you will probably want to use a contains_text() and the visit_url() method.)
I have been trying

string test = visit_url( "guild?place=paco" );

and finally realized what my n00b problem was.... pages like having extensions... like guild.PHP

Begin hurling rocks my way.