Odd custom combat script behaviour


New member
Hi guys,

wasn't sure whether or not to put this in the bug report section or not as I'm not using the latest build (currently using r6813) and I don't know if this is expected behaviour from the way custom combat scripts are implemented, but I have noticed this behaviour since a build in the r6700s (basically when I started using custom combat scripts, and yes I can't believe it's taken me nearly 2years to start doing so :O).

OK the first one is that it mafia seems to ignore my restore moods whilst in-combat if it is running a custom combat script. For example if I acquire Majorly Poisoned in combat mafia will not use the anti-anti until I have spent 30 turns failing to hit the monster. Here is my example script:

1: skill disco eye-poke
2: skill disco dance of doom
3: skill disco dance ii
4: attack with weapon

So if the Jamfish poisons me I will continue to attack, ignoring the mood setting to remove the poison, and then it will use the anti-anti after the fight has ended. I have also noticed if I hit stop or stop everything during the combat I get poisoned on the browser pop-up appears but mafia will continue to waste the remaining combat rounds in the background.

Today I also noticed another bit of strange behaviour with the combat scripts. I have the following script for Octopus Gardener encounters:

1: skill disco eye-poke
2: skill disco dance of doom
3: skill disco dance ii
4: attack with weapon

However as the location is also An Octopus's Garden mafia decides to use that script on every monster it encounters as the name is in the location. Is this behaviour intended?

Here's my CLI output showing both of these things occurring together:

[10431] An Octopus's Garden
Encounter: Neptune flytrap
Strategy: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\mafia\ccs\discobandit.ccs [octopus]
Round 0: nospine wins initiative!
Round 1: nospine tries to steal an item! (auto-attack)
Round 2: nospine casts DISCO EYE-POKE!
Round 3: nospine casts DISCO DANCE OF DOOM!
You lose 55 hit points
You acquire an effect: Really Quite Poisoned (duration: 10 Adventures)
You acquire an effect: Disco Concentration (duration: 1 Adventure)
Round 5: nospine attacks!
Round 6: nospine attacks!
Round 7: nospine attacks!
Round 8: nospine attacks!
Round 9: nospine attacks!
Round 10: nospine attacks!
Round 11: nospine attacks!
Round 12: nospine attacks!
You lose 2 hit points
You lose 44 hit points
Round 13: nospine attacks!
Round 14: nospine attacks!
Round 15: nospine attacks!
KoLmafia declares world peace.

Using 1 anti-anti-antidote...
Round 16: nospine attacks!
Round 17: nospine attacks!
Round 18: nospine attacks!
Round 19: nospine attacks!
Round 20: nospine attacks!
Round 21: nospine attacks!
Round 22: nospine attacks!
Round 23: nospine attacks!
Round 24: nospine attacks!
Round 25: nospine attacks!
Round 26: nospine attacks!
Round 27: nospine attacks!
Round 28: nospine attacks!
Round 29: nospine attacks!
Round 30: nospine attacks!
Round 31: nospine attacks!
Round 32: nospine attacks!
Finished using 1 anti-anti-antidote.
Round 0: nospine casts LUNGING THRUST-SMACK!
Round 0: nospine casts LUNGING THRUST-SMACK!
Validating adventure sequence...
Requests complete.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can shine some light on this.

Moods are not maintained during combat, and generally contain actions that can't be performed during a combat anyway. In-combat use of antidotes is a needed feature, but there's not currently a good place for specifying it - I'm working on fixing that.

As a short-term fix, you could try putting "item antidote" at several points within your CCS - they won't be used if you aren't yet poisoned. Don't put it in the middle of a disco combo, I suspect that the attempt (even if skipped) would break the combo.

CCS section names are matched against both the monster and the location, and this is definitely intended behavior - for example, it lets you specify "item dictionary" against every monster in the [chasm] without having to remember all their names. Use something like [gardener] to match only that one monster.
Hi Jason,
sorry to bug you again but I tried adding the line "item antidote" (and every combination thereof; "item anti-anti" etc) and for some reason mafia doesn't recognise anti-anti-antidotes in the CCS. If I just type "anti" it links it to the antique hand mirror (use item antique hand mirror) correctly otherwise it just gives me an "attack with weapon" option. For example I type this:

1: skill disco eye-poke
2: skill disco dance of doom
3: skill disco dance ii
4: skill lunging
5: item antidote
6: skill lunging

and get this in the saved CCS:

1: skill disco eye-poke
2: skill disco dance of doom
3: skill disco dance ii:electric boogaloo
4: skill lunging thrust-smack
5: attack with weapon
6: skill lunging thrust-smack

Don't know why but the CCS just don't like the anti-antis
Congratulations, you just found a bug - antidotes aren't flagged as being combat-usable. I'll fix this shortly.

EDIT: fixed in r6873.
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