Bug - Not A Bug odd behavior in mafia, possible bug?

Tom Sawyer

Ok using daily build 9698

Even with the past few builds I have been having synch problems with firefox 5.01 I have to manually refresh my buffs, but mafia will not auto-heal or keep the buffs going I have set in moods

Latest bug (?) is Mafia is unable to buy magical mystery juice? I have access to the guild. I checked my meat and I have more than enough

Anyone else seeing odd behavior with the daily builds?

I suppose I could flush and reinstall but when I did that with my multi the problems just returned.

Tom Sawyer

Ok I flushed java. Uninstalled it completely, went to oracle and grabbed the latest. Lets see how this rolls.....


It looks like you have a misbehaving betweenBattleScript. It's throwing a lot of ConcurrentModificationExceptions and NoSuchElementExceptions.

You can fix your immediate problem by disabling/fixing the betweenBattleScript.

Tom Sawyer

Ok that did not help

However I took a screen shot. Look at my crazy buffs, mafia has multiples of the same?


  • odd bump 3.JPG
    odd bump 3.JPG
    64.6 KB · Views: 68

Tom Sawyer

It looks like you have a misbehaving betweenBattleScript. It's throwing a lot of ConcurrentModificationExceptions and NoSuchElementExceptions.

You can fix your immediate problem by disabling/fixing the betweenBattleScript.

Hmm ok, moved all my scripts out into a temp folder, run it with no scripts

Lets see how she rolls

Tom Sawyer

It looks like you have a misbehaving betweenBattleScript. It's throwing a lot of ConcurrentModificationExceptions and NoSuchElementExceptions.

You can fix your immediate problem by disabling/fixing the betweenBattleScript.

Roippi, thanks, this may have fixed it. The only script that I could think was active was Bale's counter checker? I will leave the scripts out of the folder and run more turns.

Tom Sawyer

May have spoken too soon. I removed all scripts so that folder is empty. Started seeing can not buy mmj so it bought soda water of all things >.>

I am also seeing in the graphical CLI "Unreasonably complex expression for Jewel-eyed wizard hat"

Seeing how I am in HC bee core odd to say the least.


what does

>get betweenBattleScript

say? If it's set to anything but blank, try doing

>set betweenBattleScript=

also, do the above for counterScript.
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Tom Sawyer


Ran both, both came back blank.

I also tried buying 1 mmj via cli and it was unable.

I logged out then back on

tried to buy 1 mmj and once more got "Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 1, got 0)

Could be it one of those scripts altered a core Mafia setting?

If I have to I can flush, and start fresh.
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Tom Sawyer

Unexpected error, debug log printed.
class java.util.NoSuchElementException: null
at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.next(Unknown Source)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.request.GenericRequest.addFormField(GenericRequest.java:561)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.request.GenericRequest.addFormField(GenericRequest.java:576)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.request.NPCPurchaseRequest.run(NPCPurchaseRequest.java:140)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.RequestThread.postRequest(RequestThread.java:73)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLmafia.makePurchases(KoLmafia.java:2308)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLmafia.makePurchases(KoLmafia.java:2229)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.session.InventoryManager.retrieveItem(InventoryManager.java:541)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.session.InventoryManager.retrieveItem(InventoryManager.java:265)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.moods.MPRestoreItemList$MPRestoreItem.recoverMP(MPRestoreItemList.java:445)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.moods.RecoveryManager.recoverOnce(RecoveryManager.java:504)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.moods.RecoveryManager.recover(RecoveryManager.java:445)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.moods.RecoveryManager.recoverMP(RecoveryManager.java:199)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.moods.RecoveryManager.recoverMP(RecoveryManager.java:183)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.moods.RecoveryManager.runBetweenBattleChecks(RecoveryManager.java:117)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.webui.RelayAgent.readServerResponse(RelayAgent.java:375)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.webui.RelayAgent.performRelay(RelayAgent.java:143)
at net.sourceforge.kolmafia.webui.RelayAgent.run(RelayAgent.java:120)


Active member
I had similar problems today actually. I had Manicotti Meditation in my mood (I'm a PM currently) and it failed to refill it. Manually trying to cast it in the CLI or via the up-arrow in the relay browser gave debuglogs printed. I had other oddities during the day as well so I'm not sure which parts of the attached log that are interesting, the do contain similar error messages as the above though.


I'm not sure. The debug logs are pointing me towards there being a problem somewhere in GenericRequest. Also the fact that there are disparate problems with NPC purchase requests, skill casting requests, etc...

Hard to debug further since I can't reproduce.


Staff member
Winterbay's debug logs show a Concurrent Modification Exception when fetching an element in an Iterator. It is iterating over the data fields of a request. It is as if some other thread is modifying the data fields of this identical request while this thread is looking at them.

The requests seem to be UseSkillRequest invoked by automatically by KoLmafia when you have the "relayMaintainsEffects" setting enabled - "Run moods during manual adventuring". There is also some evidence that Winterbay has other scripts running; he has clearly manually edited out a lot of stuff from the debug log, but when I see things like: "<font color="green">Look! You found 1 cranberries (155μ)!</font>" or "SmartStasisStun => 0" - um. That is neither KoL nor KoLmafia.

Winterbay is clearly running with "relayMaintainsEffects" and also with other scripts.
Tom Sawyer is also clearly running with "relayMaintainsEffects".


Active member
I only removed whole parts of debug logs, mainly what I removed was the debug log I created in order to see why I couldn't go to any Snarfblats in the relay browser. This resolved itself after a restart of Mafia. The rest is as it was and if that is odd then I don't know what to do. The messages you quoted are from a) BatBrain.ash as invoked by my consult script and b) my consult script re-setting a local preference.

If there is any information regarding my system or setup that may help I am willing to try and provide that information.

Tom Sawyer

Winterbay's debug logs show a Concurrent Modification Exception when fetching an element in an Iterator. It is iterating over the data fields of a request. It is as if some other thread is modifying the data fields of this identical request while this thread is looking at them.

The requests seem to be UseSkillRequest invoked by automatically by KoLmafia when you have the "relayMaintainsEffects" setting enabled - "Run moods during manual adventuring". There is also some evidence that Winterbay has other scripts running; he has clearly manually edited out a lot of stuff from the debug log, but when I see things like: "<font color="green">Look! You found 1 cranberries (155μ)!</font>" or "SmartStasisStun => 0" - um. That is neither KoL nor KoLmafia.

Winterbay is clearly running with "relayMaintainsEffects" and also with other scripts.
Tom Sawyer is also clearly running with "relayMaintainsEffects".


I am trying to run a pure vanilla kol mafia daily build in order to get rid of this effect. This relayMaintainsEffects is that something integral to mafia? Or can an external script modify or change this? Again I moved all the scripts out of the script folder, but I wonder if a script can change a core component of mafia? Again my play style is mostly to use the relay browser but sometimes I allow mafia to run whole sections to help get past click fest.

I have never seen mafia however suddenly decide it could not purchase something like Magical Mystery Juice.

Thanks for your help!


Could you type these commands in the gCLI:
get lastGuildStoreOpen
ash my_ascensions()
ash my_class()
ash my_level()
buy 1 mmj
and paste the results here?


Staff member
This relayMaintainsEffects is that something integral to mafia?

I have not looked at the code but I suspect the answer is related to the KoLmafia preferences that refer to moods, health and mana during manual adventuring. See the Browser tab in the Preferences. Which ones are checked, or not, might be helpful to know.

Tom Sawyer

Could you type these commands in the gCLI:
get lastGuildStoreOpen
ash my_ascensions()
ash my_class()
ash my_level()
buy 1 mmj
and paste the results here?

Ok new day. GuildStore gave 243

ash ascensions gave 243
ash class gave sauceror
ash level gave 8
was able to buy mmj

For my browser settings I have the Add HP/MP restore links to left side pane, Add buff maintenance links to left side pane, disco bandit helper, run moods, maintain health, maintain mana, reformat incoming HTML, add decorator use, and add custom buttons to top of fight pages, checked.
If it helps I have the latest java from oracle, just updated to the latest version of firefox

Let me run some turns and see if the error starts popping back up