odd activity when running a script

when running the attached script, I get the following output:
Hermit has 5 clovers in stock today. 
Verifying ingredients for 31337 scroll... 
Creating 28 meat paste... 
You acquire 28 meat pastes 
Searching for items... 
Purchasing 30669 scroll (1 @ 200)... 
You acquire an item: 30669 scroll 
Purchases complete. 
Searching for items... 
Purchasing 668 scroll (1 @ 5,900)... 
You acquire an item: 668 scroll 
Purchases complete. 
Creating 31337 scroll (1)... 
You acquire an item: 31337 scroll 
Successfully created 1 31337 scroll 
Using 1 31337 scroll... 
You acquire an item: worthless trinket 
You acquire an item: worthless gewgaw 
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover 
Finished using 1 31337 scroll. 
Robbing the hermit... 
You acquire 5 ten-leaf clovers 
Using 5 ten-leaf clover... 
You acquire 5 disassembled clovers 
Finished using 5 ten-leaf clover. 
Hermit successfully looted! 
Using 1 ten-leaf clover... 
You acquire an item: disassembled clover 
Finished using 1 ten-leaf clover.
After running I had 28 meat pastes left in inventory. Not a big deal, but why create meat paste when I already have enough meat paste, and create way more than I need?

The main question is why does it use 5 clovers then 1 clover?


To answer your main question, hermit trades automatically disassemble the clovers you get from the hermit. Your script also wanted to disassemble the 1 clover it got from the 31337. Thus, 5 from the hermit, 1 from the scroll.

To answer your earlier question, I have no idea, unless for some reason there were failed meat combines in the relay browser -- KoLmafia assumes you know what you're doing and auto-decrements meat paste, whether or not it succeeded/failed.