Smiling Spectre
Sorry for me being indistinct again.My script counts what Mafia tells it. That is why refreshing the inventory fixed the problem. There might be some mafia issue that caused the miscount. I've got no idea what you got from the deck or why mafia was misled into believing that you got a rickety old unicycle. Perhaps a session log could shed some light on this quirk.

I suspected that glitch is inherited from Mafia right from the start. So because of that I didn't say about error in script, but asked where do you get numbers. Can you explain somewhat more how can I check this numbers myself? I plan to check all possible sources of counted item, but I am not competent enough. So far I know only about inventory/closet in relay browser (looks good) and /count command (works good too). Obviously, you are getting your numbers somewhere else.
And no, I didn't see anything suspicious in log. But I didn't check it too much, because only yesterday I found what exactly produce the error (in previous days I noticed it only at the end of my day, when I run OCD).
Thank you again.