New Content - Implemented Nuclear Autumn

Has a feature been added to tell how much fallout shelter has been unlocked?

I want newLife to visit the Chronodynamics Laboratory and Main Reactor, but I don't see any way to tell if those have been unlocked unless I make a server hit.
Has a feature been added to tell how much fallout shelter has been unlocked?

I want newLife to visit the Chronodynamics Laboratory and Main Reactor, but I don't see any way to tell if those have been unlocked unless I make a server hit.

falloutShelterLevel was added a while ago. That only updates when visiting the shelter, so it may or may not be behind (depending on whether the shelter was visited just before freeing the king).
We should not give [eat] or [drink] use links on food/booze we find in Nuclear Autumn if the size is > 1.
It would be very useful if mafia had a preference to track if I got spa day today, from level 3 of the fallout shelter. (Only usable once a day.)

You acquire an effect: Spa Day! (100)

Thank you.
There's a mistaken assumption in r17171. The Chronodynamics Laboratory and Main Reactor aren't once per day. They are once per ascension.

The preferences for those two locations should not be underline prefixed! (And they should be reset on entering the gash.)
We're spinning a new release soon, so I'd like to wrap up implementation for this path before we do that.

I can think of only one thing left to implement: A preference for the bonus of a Adventurer bobblehead.

Can anyone else think of anything else that needs to be added to support this path and its items?
Thanks. Now we need mafia to recognize the value when the player looks at his bobblehead. Also, please pass that value through to mafia for use with numeric_modifier() and the maximizer.

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<div id="description" class=small><center><img src="/images/itemimages/bobblehead.gif" height=30 width=30 alt="bobblehead"><br><a"");window.close();><b>Adventurer bobblehead</b></a></center><p><blockquote>This statuette's head is oversized and improperly connected to its torso, a factory error which has created a <i>priceless collectible</i>.<!-- itemid: 9084 --><br><br>Type: <b>off-hand item</b><Br>Cannot be traded or discarded<p><center><b><font color=blue>All Attributes +6%<br></font></b></center></blockquote><script type="text/javascript">
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Then it isn't working because I just tested it by looking at a bobblehead in my display case. Does the bobblehead have to be in my inventory to recognize it?
Okay. Broke the prism and tested with a bobblehead in inventory. It worked perfectly.

> ash string_modifier($item[Adventurer bobblehead], "Evaluated Modifiers");

Returned: Muscle Percent: +8, Mysticality Percent: +8, Moxie Percent: +8

Does anyone have an opinion about marking this content implemented?
Then it isn't working because I just tested it by looking at a bobblehead in my display case. Does the bobblehead have to be in my inventory to recognize it?

else if ( location.startsWith( "desc_item.php" ) && !location.contains( "otherplayer=" ) )
Items that might belong to someone else (being in a Display Case, or being equipped on someone else) are intentionally not checked.
I'm closing out this thread. If any new issues appear they can get their own feature or bug threads.
