Just an easy relay script to help keep track of your Gelatinous Noob absorbtions. Each modifier displays your current stat, click it to drop down a list of skills that affect that stat and what items you have available. It'll optionally tell you what zones have monsters that drop items to give you a skill (uses canadv, slows down each reload dramatically), and there's a custom data file with tips on various others. Example image below.
This also now has an AutoAbsorb(int retain) function in noob.ash. It'll prioritize skills as per the skill order in the static section near the top of the list. Feel free to modify it to taste. "remain" is the number of absorbs to save for later, or -1 to only absorb for skills.

svn checkout
This also now has an AutoAbsorb(int retain) function in noob.ash. It'll prioritize skills as per the skill order in the static section near the top of the list. Feel free to modify it to taste. "remain" is the number of absorbs to save for later, or -1 to only absorb for skills.

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